
Showing posts from January, 2007
watChed she'S the maN yesT..waS sO daMn funNy..haHa!!veRy meaninGfuL stoRyLinE.. havinG a terRibLe headAchE since juSt noW siA..itS LikE..iT huRtS Like F**K...K..goNna take paNadoL agaiN LaTeR.. saW daT neigHboUr oF miNe agaiN yesT..heheHe...curRentLy studYinG iN huaYi seC sch now..onLy taLked to hiM onCe..dat time We kindDa intRoducEd ouRseLveS buT i fOrgoT hiS name..waS iT fiTri?oR fiKri?..i noE hiS naMe stArts wiTh letTer F..itS LikE evErytimE wE buMpeD intO eaCh othEr,hE wouLd gaVe mE tiZ mesMeriziNg smiLe..anD oF coZ i wouLd smiLe bacK at hiM..sumtiMes hE wouLd eveN saY hi tO mE..heHehee.....kindA oF havE this feELinG.. opPs...STOP! donT waNna continUe futhEr oN..maYbE he'S jusT beinG poLite oR sumtinG...haHa..daTs waT neigHbouRs aRe fOr riTE... kK..enougH oF tiZ guy.. hmM... i haD ma nap jusT noW in the afternoOn..and haD thiS weiRd dreaM mAn.. itS sO weirD daT i doNo hoW tO xpLain iT..aNw iTs jusT a dreaM..noThin tO braG oN.. tmR wiLL bE anoTher boriNg daY i thin...
caNt sleEP!!!!! daMn iT..haiZ.. weLL..aftEr mucH thinkiNg ritE..i thinK i aM nOt goinG tO finD anotheR joB..i mean..i noE LAh daT i wonT earn maseLf moneY buT i guesS itS betTer fOr mE tO jusT stay aT homE..reLax mA minD aNd souL befoRe thE o LvL resuLts wiLL bE reLeasE iN feW weEkS tO comE..goD noeS hOw i feEL noW..thE nervouSnesS aNd thE anxietY..(diD i speLL dat corRectLy??) speLLing n voCaB iS noT daT gD afteRALL..haHAz... k..tmr i haV tO picK mA siS frM dat mendakI tuitIoN..hmM..and waT thE F**K!!the faRe is nO LongeR 5 buckS fOr mE sia..i meaN nOT onLY mE..those studeNts daT aRe curRENtLy waitiNg foR thE resuLTs oF coursE...sO noT thE faiR!!!whY musT theY chargE uS adulT farE??we aRe noT aduLt yeT daMn it!weLL..caN saY LA, younG aduLT.. buT stiLL we aR students foR goD saKE!!argH..! haHa..reLax k..nO neEd tO geT sO teNseD up wiT thE faRe..iM jusT voiciNg oUt mA unhapPinesS u seE...hmM... iM borEd..sO boRed wiT mA LifE....weN can i eVer FinD mA souLmatE?? stupiD qn..jodoH ...
afTer sO LonG..wE finaLLy hAv oUr famiLy boNdiNg yesT..weNt oUt togeTher tO eaT aT mR teH tariK LocaTed aT juRoNg weSt neaR tHe cC therE..aS u caN sEe frOm thE piCs aboVe..daT waS mY uNfinisHed foOd..nasi aYaM goRenG..yuMmy..! foR daT pIc oF minE..i waS jusT ..erM..notin tO dO sO i toOk a snaP piC oF mAseLf.. aNd yaY!!afteR tHE sO caLLed famiLy bOndiNg aNd dIscusSiNG aBoUt famiLy stuFF,mA mUm deCidEd tO LeT ME weRk agaiN..hahZ..sUmtiMes mA mUm cAN bE weiRd aT tImes..gueSS sHe waS iN as goODy moOd yeSt... thE prObLEm iS i hAv tO fiNd a jOb La..sO i caN eaRn mYseLF moNeY..hMM..seE fiRsT Lah.. bUt nVm.. sOmetImes sOme things are jusT tOO haRd tO saY.. ~FiQX~
suDdEnLy..i reGretEd LeaVinG daT coMpaNy xiN mAo inTroducED tO mE... i mEaN theiR prOducTs bEneFiT LotS oF pPL...i mEaN..i caN be SucCesSfUL iF i cOntinUe thE traiNinG therE..caN eaRn LotS oF monEy..bUt thEn..thE pRobLeM LieS oN mA mUm..sHe jusT woNt LeT mE weRK aNymORe..stay aT hOMe aNd dO hSEwerK aLL daT stuFF..anD somEmoRe tHe o LvL resuLts wiLL bE oUt LikE two weEkS timE..haiZ..aNd tHE othEr thinG iS LiKe i haV tO caLL uP PpL aNd inTroDucE thE pRoducTs tO thEm..u nOe hoW i haTE doinG aLL daT..fUtherMoRE im aM goinG tO wasTe mA prEpaiD caLLInG aLL thOse pPl..hMm..waTeva iT iS..iM ouT fRm thEre.. actuaLLy aM supPOsed tO gO fOr thE pizZa hUt interView tOdaY buT thEn..u nOE..mA mUm.. suMtimEs I jusT doN uNderStaNd..wHY MA mum dOnt reaLLy giVe mE muCh freEdoM..aM sO saD aNd disSapoinTed siA..i meaN teEnS LIke me neEd tO haV abiT oF freEdoM..doNoLah.. i caN fighT fOr mA justiCe u sEe..bUt thEn.....sOme woRds aRe juSt uNspeaKabLe..LaTer sHe wiLK saY im ruDe Lah..tiZ..daT Lah..f...
thaNks tO daT sisSy oF minE... shE heLped mE updaTe mA bLog...HAHA.. anW...hey heY..itS been sucH a LonG time sinCe i LasT updaTe ritE??haHz..weLL..sO mucH things had hapPened.. anW tiZ piC iS taken aT venTure erA compAny..mE aNd raJ.. 1)reTurnEd mA watsoN unifoRm LasT moN.. 2)goT aNothEr joB opPUrnitY frOm xiN maO.. 3)erM...seLLinG productS..caLLinG pPL aLL daT stufF.. buT toO baD mA mUm doNt Let mE weRk.. 4)mEt raj,hasAn aNd saRavavAn yesT aT thE saMe coMpanY xiN maO iS weRKing nOw.. 5)waS kindDa sicK LasT weEk..weNt tO juRonG poLycLinic aNd waT tHE heLL!itS beiNg reNovateD..traveL bacK tO juRonG medicaL centrE..foUnd ouT iT waS sO eX fOr theiR coNsuLtatiOn..aNd in THe eNd fiNaL destinAtiOn tO B.baTok pOLycLiniC..waT a daY! 6)daMn btrOKe riTe noW..i nEed moneY!!! 7)waTchEd KAl hO naA hO..sO toUchiNg storY..thaNkS naTaSha.. 8)weNt tO hafiZa's hSe..waNteD tO pLAy baDmintOn actuaLLy..bUt iT raiNed LAst tHUrs..sO..staYed indoOrs agaiN.. 9)aM goiN fOr a joB inteRvieW aT pizZa huT tmR....
HerE i aM.. onCe agaiN.. iM thOrN inTo pieceS.. caNt deNy.. caNt pRetenD.. jusT thOughT u weRE thE onE.. brOkeN heaRT.. deEp insidE.. untiLL u wonT seE thE tearS daT i'vE criEd... aNd whEn i neEd u.. u'rE aLmosT herE.. aNd i noe daTs nOt enOugh.. wheN im wiTh u.. iM cLosE tO teaRs... aNd i noE daT urE aLmosT heRe.. aLL tiZ timE yoU weRe preTendinG.. So mucH fOr mY hapPy endinG.. aNd iN tHE eNd.. wiLL sHe bE LovEd?? ~FiQX~
afteR LikE 3 monThs oF nOT seEinG eacH othEr,i finaLLy geT tO meEt rosE..haHaz..aNd oMg sHe iS geTtiNg daRkeR..oOps..diD i saY wronGLy??darK aS in morE taNned LA..seriousLy..roSe,kLAu kO baCe nie..jgN maRa ehK..heHez..aparT froM daT,notin eLse iS difFERent oN hEr hmM..phySicaL sidE..yA..geT tO meEt heR coLLeaguE..yanti'S thE naMe..froM faR i caN seE daT sHe aNd roSe LOoK aLIke siA..haHz... weLL..meT theM aT vivO oF couRse..aS if theRE aRe nO otheR pLacE in singaPore..buT itS stiLL coOl thoUgH..excePts iTs Like croWdeD aNd sO coLd insidE..met Ps afteR dat aNd yaY..toOk sOme piCs...shoPpinG foR rosE's neW kitteN..taKe caB homE..rosE paiD foR iT.. aNd yaH..aLL in a daY..caNt waIt tO geT oUt froM watsoN.. hahZ!! jusT conFuseD.... i shuD ListeN tO ma siS.. i juSt feEL unApPreciated.. itS LikE iM jusT hopiNg fOr soMethiNg tO haPpen.. dat'S thE feELing i haVe Lah..doNo wethEr it wiLL bE truE oR nOT.. whO knoWs ritE?? buT stiLL LivE neEds tO gO oN..taKpeLa.. i undersTanD....
I AM SO OUT oF WATSON FOREVA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F**K oFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yAy!!aftEr mucH anticipAtioN..i finaLLy boughT maseLf a neW phonE..compLetE witH blUetoOth anD mp3 playeR...noT foRgetinG a caMera oF coZ..haHz..weLL..i uploaD tiZ two picS whilE i atuaLLy aM werkinG aT watsON..buT tOo baD..i wiLL be quitiNg tiZ sUn..sO..ya..daTs iT.. iF u'rE guYz wondErinG whY i toOk a pictuRe oF a carpaRk iS becaUse i useD tO jusT siT doWn therE duriNg mA breaK timE..itS verY peacEfuL..somEtimEs iT caN bE sO waRm and sunNy..i staRt tO sweaT..buT stiLL i LikE thE sceNery theRe especiaLLy weN u LoOk aT thE fLaTs aronD thE area..sumtimEs i wuD jusT loOk uP aT thE skY..starIng aT thE cLoudS aNd thE biRds daT fLew bY..sO caLminG.. anD thE piC oF maseLf was taKen insiDe thE stoReroOm..notiCe the sheLving aNd soMe boxeS behinD mE...veRy mesSy rite?haHz..niLa klAu tkDe kEje..aMbiK jE gaMbaR.. aND daMn i waS sO frustraTed yesT..roziE waN tO chaNge shiFt wiT mE buT i saiD no..i donT waNt..deN shE saY iF noT,i musT dO fuLL shiFt..F**K siA..i donT reaLLy LikE tO chaNge shiFt...
HAHAHAHAHA!!!! FinaLLy afTer sOoooO maNy thOusaNd oF yeaRs waitiNg... actuaLLy nOt daT LonG La..haHaz..LaMe siA... i receiveD mA paY...tHe oNe i'vE beEn waitiNg sO faR..weN i fiRst chEcK tHe aTm aT jP wIt yuS..i scrEamEd LikE heLL!!evEry paiR oF eYes wenT diRecTLy oN mE..hAhAZ!!!LikE veRY fuNNy La.. dEn yesT i shOp ShOP aNd sHoP wIt yuS aNd pS..weNt tO eaT aT baNquEt aNd ritE aFteR daT gO rouNdinG aT jP..haHaz..aNd i bOuGht sOo maNy thinGs..shOP aT chaMeLon tO buY sOme cLipS aNd tHE haiRbaNds nEedEd..riTe afTEr daT i bOughT a 3/4 paNts..veRy cHeAP!!aNd finaLLy weNt to baLenO,bUm equipMenT,thiS fasHion,boSsinI tO shOp fOr a neW shiRt..aftEr muCh thinKinG,i finaLLy bougHT tiZ twO LonG sLeEve shiRt..veRY nicE!!!aNd tHE firsT tIme I speNt quiTE a whOlesoME oF mOnEy ON thInGs..ritE aftEr daT,yuS weNt oFF foR weRK LeaViNg mE aNd PeishaN(pS) tO gO shoPpinG aT imM..haHZ!!overaLL was A fuN daY yesT.. aNd i caNt waiT foR tMr..goIng tO geT mA phOne..meEtinG riN toO!!LonG timE i nevA seE heR....
tinKinG..thInkinG anD stiLL thinKinG.. haiZ..shuD oR shuDnT i??? daMn im caughT in thE midDLe.. iF i quiT i wonT eaRn maseLf anytIn..bUt iF i didnT quiT,i wouLd geT tireD oF werKinG....diLemMa..diLemMa...haiZ..taLk boUt tiZ tO cYnthiA,ma maNageR..weLL sHe saYs..iTs uP tO mE..wetHer shuD i staY oR shuD i gO..haHa..hmm..deN shE saiD"iF caN i stiLL waNt u tO weRk bUt its aLL uP tO yOu,iF i donT aLLoweD u tO quiT,thEn u wonT bE hapPy ritE??"yuP..daTs thE waY sHe saiD weN i mEntiOn bOut tiZ quitTinG thinGy..i meaN thE waY shE saiD..itS LikE..hmM..madE mE nOt waNtinG tO quiT....bUT iM tireD La..haiyA...arGh..doNt waNt tO tiNk toO mucH La..i mighT gO maD..haHa... aCtuaLLy i aM goiN maD..nOt aS iN reaLLy mAd..buT thE madDneSS Of receiviNg Ma pAy tMr..i hoPe..haHA..actuaLLy iTs On tHE 7 wHicH iS oN suN..bUt canNot bE waT..baNk cLose oN saT aNd sUn..sO i thiNk bY thE tiME i aM bLogGinG riTe nOw,tHEy ALreadY puT iN mA pAy...hEhE...sO caNt waIt tO gEt mA nEw phOnE...i hOpE MA PAY wiLL bE...
argh!!!!!!! i am reaLLY getTinG tirEd weRkinG at watsOn..tirED..sO tirEd.. juSt nOw onLy thEre weRE LikE 16 bLue biG boX..anF 30 noRmaL boxEs..doNt mEntIon bOuT tMr As mOre stocKs wiLL cOmE.. F**k maN!! iM stiLL thInKinG..sHud i Or sHudnT i quiT weRkinG..iM daMn F**KinG tiReD siA..weLL aT firsT i thOughT thaT theRe weRe nOt sO maNy weRk daT i caN dO bUt afTer oNE mOntH werKinG..nOw i'vE reaLisE daT thE tOo muCh thiNgs jusT neEdEd tO be doNe.. buT tHe goOd tHinG iS daT i caNt waiT To gEt mA pAy tiZ coMin 7 jaN..caNt waIt tO gEt mA haNds On thE neW phoNe daT mA siS ordEreD..a 5300 hP..nokIa musiC hP..tHe sLidiNg phonE..HAHAHA!!!! sO xciTed!!!!WohoOooooooooooooooOOO!iM juS goIn mAd!! mA siS wiLL quiT hEr jOB tIZ suN..seEinG heR quiT maKes me waNtinG to quiT toO..pLs..heLp mE..shUd i Or shudnT i quiT?iM in diLemMa!!! aNd btW resuLts wiLL bE tIz cuMin 15 jAn..Im LikE wa sIs freN's aunT weRk aT moE..sO sHe knows aLL tiZ yaR..hMm..wE shaLL sEE..cAn i mAkE iT?oR nOt?oNLy gOd n...