suDdEnLy..i reGretEd LeaVinG daT coMpaNy xiN mAo inTroducED tO mE...

i mEaN theiR prOducTs bEneFiT LotS oF pPL...i mEaN..i caN be SucCesSfUL iF i cOntinUe thE traiNinG therE..caN eaRn LotS oF monEy..bUt thEn..thE pRobLeM LieS oN mA mUm..sHe jusT woNt LeT mE weRK aNymORe..stay aT hOMe aNd dO hSEwerK aLL daT stuFF..anD somEmoRe tHe o LvL resuLts wiLL bE oUt LikE two weEkS timE..haiZ..aNd tHE othEr thinG iS LiKe i haV tO caLL uP PpL aNd inTroDucE thE pRoducTs tO thEm..u nOe hoW i haTE doinG aLL daT..fUtherMoRE im aM goinG tO wasTe mA prEpaiD caLLInG aLL thOse pPl..hMm..waTeva iT iS..iM ouT fRm thEre..

actuaLLy aM supPOsed tO gO fOr thE pizZa hUt interView tOdaY buT thEn..u nOE..mA mUm..

suMtimEs I jusT doN uNderStaNd..wHY MA mum dOnt reaLLy giVe mE muCh freEdoM..aM sO saD aNd disSapoinTed siA..i meaN teEnS LIke me neEd tO haV abiT oF freEdoM..doNoLah..

i caN fighT fOr mA justiCe u sEe..bUt thEn.....sOme woRds aRe juSt uNspeaKabLe..LaTer sHe wiLK saY im ruDe Lah..tiZ..daT Lah..feD uP u noE!!

oK..eNougH oF ma muM..

taLkEd oN the phOne wITh yuSnani juSt noW..haHz..daMn she iS sO LuckY..nOt tO saY iM jeaLous La..jusT tO saY goOd LucK aNd aLL thE besT iN waTevA sHe is doiN nOW..LUv u mA fReN!!!

daTs aLL foR noW yaR..



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