FinaLLy afTer sOoooO maNy thOusaNd oF yeaRs waitiNg...
actuaLLy nOt daT LonG La..haHaz..LaMe siA...
i receiveD mA paY...tHe oNe i'vE beEn waitiNg sO faR..weN i fiRst chEcK tHe aTm aT jP wIt yuS..i scrEamEd LikE heLL!!evEry paiR oF eYes wenT diRecTLy oN mE..hAhAZ!!!LikE veRY fuNNy La..
dEn yesT i shOp ShOP aNd sHoP wIt yuS aNd pS..weNt tO eaT aT baNquEt aNd ritE aFteR daT gO rouNdinG aT jP..haHaz..aNd i bOuGht sOo maNy thinGs..shOP aT chaMeLon tO buY sOme cLipS aNd tHE haiRbaNds nEedEd..riTe afTEr daT i bOughT a 3/4 paNts..veRy cHeAP!!aNd finaLLy weNt to baLenO,bUm equipMenT,thiS fasHion,boSsinI tO shOp fOr a neW shiRt..aftEr muCh thinKinG,i finaLLy bougHT tiZ twO LonG sLeEve shiRt..veRY nicE!!!aNd tHE firsT tIme I speNt quiTE a whOlesoME oF mOnEy ON thInGs..ritE aftEr daT,yuS weNt oFF foR weRK LeaViNg mE aNd PeishaN(pS) tO gO shoPpinG aT imM..haHZ!!overaLL was A fuN daY yesT..
aNd i caNt waiT foR tMr..goIng tO geT mA phOne..meEtinG riN toO!!LonG timE i nevA seE heR..hmM..piTy mA siS..sHE stiLL haVeNt receIved heRpAy caUse sHe tender hEr nOticE a weEk aGo aNd bEcaUsE oF dAt..sHe nEeds tO retUrN The uniFoRms sO thaT thEy cAn PUt iN hEr saLaRY whicH iS i gueSs oN nexT moNth..i waNteD tO heLp Her bUt i caNt oR eLsE ma moNEy wiLL jusT vanisHeD LikE aTO PAy fOr bOth phoNes..weLL..jusT pitY hEr daTs aLL..
aNd i diD fuLL shiFt juSt noW..!F**K siA..daT cynthiA..LasT mIn deN waN tO teLL..buT deN sHe saY sHe wiLL paY mY R/O tmR..daTs whY i can gO ouT tmR hAhZ!!
weLL..iM ofF tO bEd nOw..
FinaLLy afTer sOoooO maNy thOusaNd oF yeaRs waitiNg...
actuaLLy nOt daT LonG La..haHaz..LaMe siA...
i receiveD mA paY...tHe oNe i'vE beEn waitiNg sO faR..weN i fiRst chEcK tHe aTm aT jP wIt yuS..i scrEamEd LikE heLL!!evEry paiR oF eYes wenT diRecTLy oN mE..hAhAZ!!!LikE veRY fuNNy La..
dEn yesT i shOp ShOP aNd sHoP wIt yuS aNd pS..weNt tO eaT aT baNquEt aNd ritE aFteR daT gO rouNdinG aT jP..haHaz..aNd i bOuGht sOo maNy thinGs..shOP aT chaMeLon tO buY sOme cLipS aNd tHE haiRbaNds nEedEd..riTe afTEr daT i bOughT a 3/4 paNts..veRy cHeAP!!aNd finaLLy weNt to baLenO,bUm equipMenT,thiS fasHion,boSsinI tO shOp fOr a neW shiRt..aftEr muCh thinKinG,i finaLLy bougHT tiZ twO LonG sLeEve shiRt..veRY nicE!!!aNd tHE firsT tIme I speNt quiTE a whOlesoME oF mOnEy ON thInGs..ritE aftEr daT,yuS weNt oFF foR weRK LeaViNg mE aNd PeishaN(pS) tO gO shoPpinG aT imM..haHZ!!overaLL was A fuN daY yesT..
aNd i caNt waiT foR tMr..goIng tO geT mA phOne..meEtinG riN toO!!LonG timE i nevA seE heR..hmM..piTy mA siS..sHE stiLL haVeNt receIved heRpAy caUse sHe tender hEr nOticE a weEk aGo aNd bEcaUsE oF dAt..sHe nEeds tO retUrN The uniFoRms sO thaT thEy cAn PUt iN hEr saLaRY whicH iS i gueSs oN nexT moNth..i waNteD tO heLp Her bUt i caNt oR eLsE ma moNEy wiLL jusT vanisHeD LikE aTO PAy fOr bOth phoNes..weLL..jusT pitY hEr daTs aLL..
aNd i diD fuLL shiFt juSt noW..!F**K siA..daT cynthiA..LasT mIn deN waN tO teLL..buT deN sHe saY sHe wiLL paY mY R/O tmR..daTs whY i can gO ouT tmR hAhZ!!
weLL..iM ofF tO bEd nOw..