afTer sO LonG..wE finaLLy hAv oUr famiLy boNdiNg yesT..weNt oUt togeTher tO eaT aT mR teH tariK LocaTed aT juRoNg weSt neaR tHe cC therE..aS u caN sEe frOm thE piCs aboVe..daT waS mY uNfinisHed foOd..nasi aYaM goRenG..yuMmy..! foR daT pIc oF minE..i waS jusT ..erM..notin tO dO sO i toOk a snaP piC oF mAseLf..
aNd yaY!!afteR tHE sO caLLed famiLy bOndiNg aNd dIscusSiNG aBoUt famiLy stuFF,mA mUm deCidEd tO LeT ME weRk agaiN..hahZ..sUmtiMes mA mUm cAN bE weiRd aT tImes..gueSS sHe waS iN as goODy moOd yeSt...
thE prObLEm iS i hAv tO fiNd a jOb La..sO i caN eaRn mYseLF moNeY..hMM..seE fiRsT Lah..
bUt nVm..
sOmetImes sOme things are jusT tOO haRd tO saY..