yAy!!aftEr mucH anticipAtioN..i finaLLy boughT maseLf a neW phonE..compLetE witH blUetoOth anD mp3 playeR...noT foRgetinG a caMera oF coZ..haHz..weLL..i uploaD tiZ two picS whilE i atuaLLy aM werkinG aT watsON..buT tOo baD..i wiLL be quitiNg tiZ sUn..sO..ya..daTs iT..

iF u'rE guYz wondErinG whY i toOk a pictuRe oF a carpaRk iS becaUse i useD tO jusT siT doWn therE duriNg mA breaK timE..itS verY peacEfuL..somEtimEs iT caN bE sO waRm and sunNy..i staRt tO sweaT..buT stiLL i LikE thE sceNery theRe especiaLLy weN u LoOk aT thE fLaTs aronD thE area..sumtimEs i wuD jusT loOk uP aT thE skY..starIng aT thE cLoudS aNd thE biRds daT fLew bY..sO caLminG..

anD thE piC oF maseLf was taKen insiDe thE stoReroOm..notiCe the sheLving aNd soMe boxeS behinD mE...veRy mesSy rite?haHz..niLa klAu tkDe kEje..aMbiK jE gaMbaR..

aND daMn i waS sO frustraTed yesT..roziE waN tO chaNge shiFt wiT mE buT i saiD no..i donT waNt..deN shE saY iF noT,i musT dO fuLL shiFt..F**K siA..i donT reaLLy LikE tO chaNge shiFt wiT deM..iF onCe in a wHiLe caN LA..buT tiZ is tOO mucH..anD guesS waT haPpeneD jusT noW??rozie aNd sitI scOLded mE siA...siti da starT maKi2..i waS Like waT wroNg diD i dO tO thEm??befoRe daT i toLd cYnthiA i waN tO quiT..sHe asKed mE whY..i toLd hER daT iM haVinG soMe proBLemS aT hoMe..actuaLLy daT iS nOt thE reasOn whY i wanteD tO quiT.. i diD nOt teLL cynthiA thE trutH..onLy duriNg mA breaK timE theN cynthiA asKed mE agaiN waT haPpenEd aNd i jusT Let iT aLL oUt..aLL thE unhapPinesS..thE vengeaNce..haHz..

i thinK thEy aLL haTed mE noW..sitI aNd roziE i meaN..i dinT reaLLy meaN tO comPlaiN tO cynthIa..buT i goT nO choicE waT..iF nOt i wuD jusT sufFer in silEnCe..thE unhapPinesS i haVe..itS nOt faIr foR mE..

buT noW iM gLad thaT i'LL bE quitTinG soOn..nO moRe werKinG wiT thiS tyPe oF pPL..gOOdbYe waTsoN fOreVA!

