caNt sleEP!!!!!
daMn iT..haiZ..
weLL..aftEr mucH thinkiNg ritE..i thinK i aM nOt goinG tO finD anotheR joB..i mean..i noE LAh daT i wonT earn maseLf moneY buT i guesS itS betTer fOr mE tO jusT stay aT homE..reLax mA minD aNd souL befoRe thE o LvL resuLts wiLL bE reLeasE iN feW weEkS tO comE..goD noeS hOw i feEL noW..thE nervouSnesS aNd thE anxietY..(diD i speLL dat corRectLy??) speLLing n voCaB iS noT daT gD afteRALL..haHAz...

k..tmr i haV tO picK mA siS frM dat mendakI tuitIoN..hmM..and waT thE F**K!!the faRe is nO LongeR 5 buckS fOr mE sia..i meaN nOT onLY mE..those studeNts daT aRe curRENtLy waitiNg foR thE resuLTs oF coursE...sO noT thE faiR!!!whY musT theY chargE uS adulT farE??we aRe noT aduLt yeT daMn it!weLL..caN saY LA, younG aduLT.. buT stiLL we aR students foR goD saKE!!argH..!

haHa..reLax k..nO neEd tO geT sO teNseD up wiT thE faRe..iM jusT voiciNg oUt mA unhapPinesS u seE...hmM...

iM borEd..sO boRed wiT mA LifE....weN can i eVer FinD mA souLmatE??
stupiD qn..jodoH d tangaN tuhaN..marRiage iS undEr god's haNd..buT stiLL neEd tO finD ritE?neEd tO woRk haRd iN ordEr to get sumTin...

caUse i aLwaYs enD uP meEtinG the wroNg tyPe oF guYs...sumtimEs i wondEr..whY dO i haVe tO meEt thosE tyPe of guyS..hearTLesS oneS..haTe iT!!Why?whY?whY?

a freN oncE toLd mE..u dont haV tO find LovE..LovE wiLL cOme to u...buT when..??loOk aT mA freNs..eveN mA siS haS got somEone speciaL in theiR heaRTs..havinG soMeonE tO Love u..tO caRe foR u..tO miSs u..wen can i feEL daT kinD oF LovE??iM disaPpointeD..i jusT waNt tO bE LovEd....

oK STOP!!!!!

for thE time..i just waN tO reLax mA minD..doNt want to tiNk boUt aLL tiZ yeT..waTs the poinT??i mighT meEt thE wrOng tYpe Of gUys agaiN..sO heRe i aM..singLe fOr dOnt knOw hOW LonG..haHz..hopinG daT a miraCle wiLL hapPen..haHZ!!as if..

u weRe misSinG iN mY heaRt..
teLL me wHy i caNnoT be theRe whEn u aRe..
sHow me tHe mEaninG..
of beinG LonELy..



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