HerE i aM..
onCe agaiN..
iM thOrN inTo pieceS..
caNt deNy..
caNt pRetenD..
jusT thOughT u weRE thE onE..
brOkeN heaRT..
deEp insidE..
untiLL u wonT seE thE tearS daT i'vE criEd...

aNd whEn i neEd u..
u'rE aLmosT herE..
aNd i noe daTs nOt enOugh..
wheN im wiTh u..
iM cLosE tO teaRs...
aNd i noE daT urE aLmosT heRe..

aLL tiZ timE yoU weRe preTendinG..
So mucH fOr mY hapPy endinG..

aNd iN tHE eNd..
wiLL sHe bE LovEd??


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