HerE i aM..
onCe agaiN..
iM thOrN inTo pieceS..
caNt deNy..
caNt pRetenD..
jusT thOughT u weRE thE onE..
brOkeN heaRT..
deEp insidE..
untiLL u wonT seE thE tearS daT i'vE criEd...
aNd whEn i neEd u..
u'rE aLmosT herE..
aNd i noe daTs nOt enOugh..
wheN im wiTh u..
iM cLosE tO teaRs...
aNd i noE daT urE aLmosT heRe..
aLL tiZ timE yoU weRe preTendinG..
So mucH fOr mY hapPy endinG..
aNd iN tHE eNd..
wiLL sHe bE LovEd??
onCe agaiN..
iM thOrN inTo pieceS..
caNt deNy..
caNt pRetenD..
jusT thOughT u weRE thE onE..
brOkeN heaRT..
deEp insidE..
untiLL u wonT seE thE tearS daT i'vE criEd...
aNd whEn i neEd u..
u'rE aLmosT herE..
aNd i noe daTs nOt enOugh..
wheN im wiTh u..
iM cLosE tO teaRs...
aNd i noE daT urE aLmosT heRe..
aLL tiZ timE yoU weRe preTendinG..
So mucH fOr mY hapPy endinG..
aNd iN tHE eNd..
wiLL sHe bE LovEd??