
i am reaLLY getTinG tirEd weRkinG at watsOn..tirED..sO tirEd..
juSt nOw onLy thEre weRE LikE 16 bLue biG boX..anF 30 noRmaL boxEs..doNt mEntIon bOuT tMr As mOre stocKs wiLL cOmE..
F**k maN!!

iM stiLL thInKinG..sHud i Or sHudnT i quiT weRkinG..iM daMn F**KinG tiReD siA..weLL aT firsT i thOughT thaT theRe weRe nOt sO maNy weRk daT i caN dO bUt afTer oNE mOntH werKinG..nOw i'vE reaLisE daT thE tOo muCh thiNgs jusT neEdEd tO be doNe..

buT tHe goOd tHinG iS daT i caNt waiT To gEt mA pAy tiZ coMin 7 jaN..caNt waIt tO gEt mA haNds On thE neW phoNe daT mA siS ordEreD..a 5300 hP..nokIa musiC hP..tHe sLidiNg phonE..HAHAHA!!!!
sO xciTed!!!!WohoOooooooooooooooOOO!iM juS goIn mAd!!

mA siS wiLL quiT hEr jOB tIZ suN..seEinG heR quiT maKes me waNtinG to quiT toO..pLs..heLp mE..shUd i Or shudnT i quiT?iM in diLemMa!!!

aNd btW resuLts wiLL bE tIz cuMin 15 jAn..Im LikE wa sIs freN's aunT weRk aT moE..sO sHe knows aLL tiZ yaR..hMm..wE shaLL sEE..cAn i mAkE iT?oR nOt?oNLy gOd nOeS..hanya tuHan saHajA yaNg MEngeTahuInyA..

Kla..aFteRnoOn shiFt tMr..wiT ma manAgEr sOmeMoRe..HaH!!!

taKinG caRe peEps!!


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