afteR LikE 3 monThs oF nOT seEinG eacH othEr,i finaLLy geT tO meEt rosE..haHaz..aNd oMg sHe iS geTtiNg daRkeR..oOps..diD i saY wronGLy??darK aS in morE taNned LA..seriousLy..roSe,kLAu kO baCe nie..jgN maRa ehK..heHez..aparT froM daT,notin eLse iS difFERent oN hEr hmM..phySicaL sidE..yA..geT tO meEt heR coLLeaguE..yanti'S thE naMe..froM faR i caN seE daT sHe aNd roSe LOoK aLIke siA..haHz...
weLL..meT theM aT vivO oF couRse..aS if theRE aRe nO otheR pLacE in singaPore..buT itS stiLL coOl thoUgH..excePts iTs Like croWdeD aNd sO coLd insidE..met Ps afteR dat aNd yaY..toOk sOme piCs...shoPpinG foR rosE's neW kitteN..taKe caB homE..rosE paiD foR iT..
aNd yaH..aLL in a daY..caNt waIt tO geT oUt froM watsoN..
hahZ!! jusT conFuseD....
i shuD ListeN tO ma siS..
i juSt feEL unApPreciated..
itS LikE iM jusT hopiNg fOr soMethiNg tO haPpen..
dat'S thE feELing i haVe Lah..doNo wethEr it wiLL bE truE oR nOT..
whO knoWs ritE??
buT stiLL LivE neEds tO gO oN..taKpeLa..
i undersTanD..
maYbe akU jE yaNg prasAn kAn..
rasE sediH poN adE..
itS oK..
chEer uP k??
So muCh fOr mA haPpY eNdinG..