haD a wonderfuL time todaY...weNt swimMinG wiTh mY cuziNs aNd aunTs tO my cuziN siS'S coNdO aT haZeL paRk neaR b.PanJaNg pLazA..tOdaY waS mY muM'S sidE oF a miXturE oF cuziNs aNd auNts phOto whiLe yest waS mY daD'S sidE... oK...its beEn sucH a LonG tiMe i nEveR gO swimMinG..tOo baD iT drizZLed abiT today..but whO caREs...haHa..mY famiLy caMe abiT LaTe...caUse mUm coOked soMe thiNgs fOr us tO eaT thEre..bOy..alot oF fOod fOr us tO eaT..haHa..in the poOL itseLf,mY 17 yR oLd cuzin,zubiR was so irRitaTinG siA..togetHer wIt hiS yoUngEr bRo sYahiD..keep oN spLasHinH waTer on mY faCe..unTiL thE waTer weNt iNtO mY eaR...thEy evEn pushed me doWn thE pOOL..but stiLL i haD fuN swiMminG wIt thoSe two boYs toGethEr wiT their siS,naDra..my smaLL cuziN,fariS and mY siStaZ... weLl aCtuaLLy mY cuziN sis marRieD tO an ang mOH guY frM aMericA..frieNdLy..nOT sO arRogaNt La..wiLL taLk tO mE sumtiMes..haHa..thEy haV twO kidS naMed maya aNd chasE..coOL Name hUh??heHe...sO yA..after aLL the ...