
Showing posts from February, 2007
weLL..interview just now was..hmM..okLa..they were friendLy...need to wait for 1 march to know wether im successfuL for dat courSe or hope i got in.. met up wit rose..yay..haha..she treat me kfc..before dat was discussing the plans for the class gathering..hopefully the plan wud be a reality.. alalalalala..dont noe wat else to say..haha..guess i'LL stop here.. ByE...
ok..muSt be mEntaLLy n physically preapred for the interview so freaking nervous rite now!!haha...luckily im goin with nurul for the interview cause she chose nursing too at the same campus wit me.. well..badminton yest was fun n enjoyable..except the fact dat my whole body aches right tiz moment..haha..forgot to warm up and its like been a long time since i played tiz kind of sport..haha..the last time was pe lesson i think..haha..lasr yr..tiz is the effect of not exercising and just stay at, grow fat already it... and i cant believe she had the nerve to sat dat to me yest nite..i was like wat the F**K!!doesnt she hav any respect for me anymore..?why??isit my fault??i hav the right to shout back at her..but i just dont want to..she will continue arguing wit me..and..bla..bla..dats why i chose to remain silent..haiz..sumtimes i wonder..i always did alot of good things to her u noe..bought for her new...
damn..thiS paiN iS kiLLinG mE..!F**K it maN..haiYa... wen waS thE LasT timE tiS stupId tOothacHe haD me??10 yrS aGo?? kk..waTeva..So'S thE neW LayouT??i kneW its simPLE..causE oF daT i sLept aT 5am...treD LooKing for a nicE&betTer ones buT sudDENLy thE inTerneT jaMmed..i waS Like waT thE F**K??LuckiLy sufyaN caMe tO my rescue..hEhe..waS chaTTinG wiT hiM aT mSn bEfore daT..he asKed me tO remaIn coOL n yA..i diD..and..yA thaNks tO him the thinG weNt baCk tO noRmaL..haha..if not for him,i wud imMediateLy switChed oFf aLL the comP pLucks aNd jumPed oNto my beD..sO..thAnks sufYan... so i receiveD a LetTer frM ite simei..itS bouT the coursE oF my choiCe...weLL..i waS shortListEd theY asked Me tO gO foR an intervieW tiZ tueS..hopefuLLy i gOt in..i am sO wantiNg to be iN daT course..speaKinG bouT tueS ritE..i sudDEnLy reMembeREd boUt the badminton matcH..haiyA..hMM..hopEfuLLy the guYs can chaNge iT on mOn..sorrY k rizaL..aku memang La nK sangat main n...
watched survivOr jusT noW... waT thE heLL!!ravu Lost agaiN!!haiYa thrEe timEs noW..sO noT thE faiR..tiz weEk itS syLviA whO iS voteD ouT..poOr sHE..shE jusT caMe bacK frM exiLE isLanD anD fiGureD ouT thE thrEE cLUes..buT tOo baD shE cuDnt hav timE To fiNd whEre tHe imMunity idoL waS hidDEn whicH baCk at caMp...foUr voTes foR syLviA,thrEE foR aNthonY and anOTher xtrA voTe foR eaRL..whicH i finD iT quitE weiRd thOugh.. haHa..hMM..caNt waiT fOr nexT weEK episOde oF suRviVoR.. those oF u whO dont geT waT iM taLkinG boUt,go n waTcH survivOr eveRY fRi at 11...veRy nice tO sEE...i juSt LovE reaLitY shoWS! and yA..caNt waiT fOr tuEs..waTch oUt rizaL!!haHa...siaPkn duiT bnYk2 tau..hEhe.. ~FiQX~
sO wat iF hE'S nOt inTeresTed iN mE??i donT caRe.. iM jusT LivinG mY owN Live... thE nExt tiMe i sEE hiM agaIn,i wiLL jusT ignoRe hiM....SucH aRrogaNt guY!!!!hmPh! tO heLL wiTh thoSe intiMidatiNG smiLEZ... waTeva..
I AM SO FREAKING PISSED RITE NOW!!!!! aNd sOme morE iM stuCk At hoMe doin noTin!!fUckiNg boRed!!! I HATE HIM!I HATE HIM! I HATE HIM!stupiD idioTic fucKinG asShoLe guY....damn iM so FuckinG pisSeD!!!!why diD i evEn taLk tO hiM aT the fiRst plAce??frM noW oN,Im not goNna taLk tO him anyMorE..Argh!geT LosT u moron!dont eveR taLk tO mE!im noT gonNA entertaiN a FoOL Like U.. why dOnT u geT ouT oF mY LifE geT ouT oF mY siGht geT ovEr mY baCk.. wHy doNt u gO back to uR woRLd geT bacK tO uR gaL ! woNt huRt me aT aLL................. donT ask me whO,whY,waT and hoW... iM noT goNNa saY anYting anYmoRe... F**K OFF!
weNt baCk tO scH yesT..haHa..wiT riN..noT tO retaKe thE o LvLs oF coZ LikE somE pPl thOughT whOm wE meT aT scH..jusT daT we misSeD thE schoOL foOD..esPeciaLLy weN yesT iS chicKen daY!n aLsO tO meEt up wiT thE schOOl couNseLor..haHa..saW thE eveR taLL guY..mR noeL onG...haHa..foRm tcHr foR mY cLaz LasT yR..taLkeD a feW thinGs wT uS..haha..he'S stiLL the saMe.. oF coZ..meT onE& onLy ROSE!!daMn i miss hEr sO muCh..den saW raJ..haHa..toGethEr wiT daT irRitatinG guY,------..hM..sO..yA..haNg ouT iN schoOL foR a whiLe..riN taLkeD somE thinGs tO misS yaP..deN sudDEnLY miSS yaP asKEd mE..'FiQaH,whaT coUrsE u takinG?"daMn i waS sO shocKed sHE cuD stiLL reMembeRed mY naME..haHa..thOught she haD foRgotTon mY naMe aftEr beinG the forM tcHr oF mY cLAz iN seC 4..aMaziNg YAr..aMazinG.. DEn weNt tO jP..riN bougHt neW beLt fOr heRSeL aT esPiriT..i boUghT tiZ maKe uP kiT fOr a neiGhboUr oF mine wHo iS goIN awaY..hopE thingS wenT ouT weLL foR heR.. kk..goiN ouT sOOn wiT mY siS...tO m...
haD a wonderfuL time todaY...weNt swimMinG wiTh mY cuziNs aNd aunTs tO my cuziN siS'S coNdO aT haZeL paRk neaR b.PanJaNg pLazA..tOdaY waS mY muM'S sidE oF a miXturE oF cuziNs aNd auNts phOto whiLe yest waS mY daD'S sidE... oK...its beEn sucH a LonG tiMe i nEveR gO swimMinG..tOo baD iT drizZLed abiT today..but whO caREs...haHa..mY famiLy caMe abiT LaTe...caUse mUm coOked soMe thiNgs fOr us tO eaT thEre..bOy..alot oF fOod fOr us tO the poOL itseLf,mY 17 yR oLd cuzin,zubiR was so irRitaTinG siA..togetHer wIt hiS yoUngEr bRo sYahiD..keep oN spLasHinH waTer on mY faCe..unTiL thE waTer weNt iNtO mY eaR...thEy evEn pushed me doWn thE pOOL..but stiLL i haD fuN swiMminG wIt thoSe two boYs toGethEr wiT their siS, smaLL cuziN,fariS and mY siStaZ... weLl aCtuaLLy mY cuziN sis marRieD tO an ang mOH guY frM aMericA..frieNdLy..nOT sO arRogaNt La..wiLL taLk tO mE sumtiMes..haHa..thEy haV twO kidS naMed maya aNd chasE..coOL Name hUh??heHe...sO yA..after aLL the ...
oK..LetS noT bE sO LazY..stretCH!!!!oK dONe.. sO..waT dO wE haV todaY??weLL..i jusT goT bacK frm mY graNdma'S pLACe..actuaLLy iT waS mY aunTy'S bdaE..sO kiTeorG mcM aDE kEndurI doA sLamAt aR..dEn i saW aLL mY aUnts aNd unCLEs whicH i haVenT sEEn thEm LIke iN ageS..haHA..aNd tHE fiRSt qN thEY asKed weN i steP inTO thE roOM tO saLAm thEm iS daT .."fiqaH..da baIk sempuT??"tranSLAte daT tO wethEr mY asTHMA haD recoVereD..sO i said daT oK La..geTTINg beTTEr..itS LIKe aLL theiR eyES aRe On mE sia..maK Long,aUnty,maK muK,taNte..aLL oF thEm..sO shOCkinG u noE..hoW coME thEY kneW daT i waS hospitaLIsed cauSe oF asthMa??hMM.. oK..thERe waS aLOt oF nicE foOD..esPECiaLLY tuLANg..yuMMy..buT tOO baD i aTE aBit onLY..tOO LAZy tO gO fOR secOnd rOUNd..sO i taLKEd tO saSHa..mY 20 yR oLD cuziN..sHE toLD me boUT heR joB at bosinI..deN suddENLy aLL mY aUntS aSkEd mE waT coursE iM taKing at ITE..i toLD thEm nursiNG..aND aLL oF sudDEn thEy begiN tO taLk boUT thE higH paY LA..tiZ LA..daT ...
i waNt tO bLog.. buT iM just toO freaking LazY.. anD tireD tO tyPe anytinG.. DUH!!!! migHt aS weLL deLetE tIz bLog.. Do yOu thinK?? ~FiQX~
i dOnt noe waTs wrOng wiT mE buT i thinK i beginNing to geT LAzY in bLogGInG..notIn to writE.. weLL..actuaLLy theRe is LA..weNt tO my apPoinTmenT yesT..theY gaVe mE thIz fLU vacinatioN whicH sOMe sOrt prOtecTs mE frOm haVinG fLU?haHa..daMn! cause oF daT mY riGht arM iS so stIff aNd huRts eveRytiMe i LifT it..eveN noW iM typIN it stiLL huRtS LikE F**K.. the doC saY mA asThmA cOnditiOn is nOt sO goOd sO hE gavE me tiZ nEw forM oF mEdiciNE fOr asThmaTic pAtieNts Like mE..thiS timE iS nOt thE inhaLer oNe bUt iTs In thE poWderic foRm..hahA..coOL huh? okLa..aftEr aLL the apPointMenT wiTh the doC..we went tO tamaN juRoNg at fOrk&spoON hav our LuncH thEre.. dEn we went hOme wiTh a SmiLe on oUr facEs..hAHa.. Lame! anD bTw i caNt beLieVe daT hE saYs soRRy tO mE!!haHaz..its LikE i thOugHt hE iS noT thE tyPe daT wiLL saY soRRy tO pPL..buT aNws iM sO GLad daT hE waNtEd tO sinceRELy aPPOLogiseD..hoPe we caN stiLL bE cLosE freNs LikE bEForE=) kLA..i wan to rest my arm for now... bubYez! ~FiQX~
cuRreNtLy i aM chatTIng oN thE msN wiTh thEse foUr pPl..mY X clasSMatES..haHa.fuNNy siA..sOme sOrt oF coNfreNcinG..sHud i mEntiOn theiR naMe??haHa..oK2..thoSe pPL aRe..chEE mEnG,raJ,niaP fonG aNd rizaL..foUr guYs aNd iM thE onLy gaL..haHa..daMn thEy taLked aLot of stuFf aNd i muSt admiT daT thEy aRe weLL..okLAh..funNY..LamE..waCkY..aLoT morE La..aNd thEy keEp oN chaNgiNg theiR disPlaY piCs..haha.. ~FiQX~
weLL..sorry fOr nOt updatiNg foR soO LonG..weLL..the daY weNt ouT finE..haHz..acCompanied peisHan aNd fizAh tO go aPpeaL thEir choiCe oF coursE aT itE...nuRuL tagGEd aLonH..aNd yeS!i geT to saVe mA ezLink faRe..waHakZ..goT a frEe ridE frOm pS's frieNd..a guY..doNt eveN nOe hiS naMe..haHz..eX-shuQun tOO..bUt he'S waY oLder thAn uS..24 yRs oLd i thiNK..hE driVes a yeLLOw coLOur cAr..haHz..isIT honDA waTEva tHE naME iS..haHZ..oKLa..hE drOVe tO a ceRTaiN LImiT..firsT oF weNT tO ITE siMEi tO acCOMpaNy pS apPly fOR thE beauTy theraPy cOUrsE..hoPEs sHe geTS iT..deN weNt tO fetCh fizAH aNd nuRuL aT enterTAinMEnt aNd oFF wE zOOmEEddd tO itE aMk..gOt aLot oF haNsem boYs sia!!haHaz..oK stOp iT!..sHe diDnt geT heR choiCe of courSE aT daT caMpus..poOr shE.. oK afTEr aLL tHe ITE stuFF daT we WenT thRough..wE weNt tO jP aNd eaT aT baNquEt..i,pS and tHE guY boUght YonG taU fU..nurUL aNd fizaH aTe icE kacAng..deN heaD bacK hoMe wiTh the guY..thaNk u sOO mucH foR thE ridE..haHa..AnD I MeT My PRI...
6/1/07 thE timE waS 1245. i LAid iN beD trYinG tO gO tO sLeeP..i keEp oN tosSIng aNd tUrninG aS i cudnT sHut mA eyeS..sudDENLy..iT caMe..thE aTTACk..mA asTHMa aTTAck..i toOK mA benThoLyn inhaLEr..boTh oF thE,.thE bLue aNd the yeLLOw onE..stiLL nO usE..mA heaRt suddENLy begaN tO beaT veRy fasT..treMondoUSLy fasT..iT feLt LikE as iF ma mA LunGs aNd HEARt aRE faLLinG aPART..aT thE saME time i feLt LIke i reaLLy aM goiN tO diE..mUm,aNd mA sibLIngS aRE aLL asLeep..So i quicKly weNt tO woKe mA mUm aNd ToLd hEr daT i cOuLdnT breaTHe aNd mA hEARt waS BeatIng sO fasT.. mA mUm toLD mE tO tKe mA inhaLEr..i tOLD hER i aLreadY toOk a feW pufFs..sHe staRteD To paniC aNd caLLed mA faTHEr wHo waS aS usuAL weRKinG nigHt shifT aT cisCo..sOhE asKed mA mUm tO caLLed mA unCLe tO heLp seNd mE aNd mA smaLL bRo tO NUH aS hE waS ALsO nt feELInG weLL... aS sOOn aS I reaChed tHE hoSPitaL..the dOCtoR aNd nuRsEs cHEKED ma beaRTBeaT..mY bLOod presUre aNd aL daT LA..dEn i waS BeinG puT iN a waRd wHeRE tHe nuRSEs ga...
stUpiD idiOt!! iVe beEn thRougH a LOt oF trOubLE swiTchinG thiS stuPid blogGEr thinGY tO thE goOgLe acCOUNt..anD finaLLY iM doNE wit thiS whoLe thinGy.. F**K! oK..LEtS seE..weLL thE reasOn ivE nOT beEN updatinG iS becaUSe iVe bEeN quitE siCk aND unDer thE weAtheR LATELY..thE fLU..thE soRethRoaT..thE cougH..omG..noT foRgetiNg mY asThmA atTACk..i thOUghT iVe recOverED fuLLy buT gueSS i waS wroNG..serioUSLy durING those feW dAYs..i jusT cudnT geT uP..was bedridDEn..haHA..LIkE iN thE hospiTAL siA..eveN usinG mA inhaLEr durinG thE AtTACk waS UseLEsS..i feLT LIke i waS dyinG..cudnT breaTHE..haHA..gLAD iM abiT beTTer noW.. actuaLLy i wouLD LIkE tO aPPoLOgisE tO roSE aNd PS..thEY asKEd mE oUT duRING thE perioD i waS SICK...i diDNT eveN noE daT iM gOIn tO bE sICk tHe nExT daY IM goiN tO meET thEm..iT jusT haPPenEd LIkE daT..sO guYS..sO soRri yaR.. haHA..i receiveD teN bucKS frM mA dAd jusT noW..finaLLy i caN toP uP mA ezLINk caRd aftER sO LONg noT toPPing uP The carD..thE vaLue muSt bE minuS su...