cuRreNtLy i aM chatTIng oN thE msN wiTh thEse foUr pPl..mY X clasSMatES..haHa.fuNNy siA..sOme sOrt oF coNfreNcinG..sHud i mEntiOn theiR naMe??haHa..oK2..thoSe pPL aRe..chEE mEnG,raJ,niaP fonG aNd rizaL..foUr guYs aNd iM thE onLy gaL..haHa..daMn thEy taLked aLot of stuFf aNd i muSt admiT daT thEy aRe weLL..okLAh..funNY..LamE..waCkY..aLoT morE La..aNd thEy keEp oN chaNgiNg theiR disPlaY piCs..haha..



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