oK..LetS noT bE sO LazY..stretCH!!!!oK dONe..
sO..waT dO wE haV todaY??weLL..i jusT goT bacK frm mY graNdma'S pLACe..actuaLLy iT waS mY aunTy'S bdaE..sO kiTeorG mcM aDE kEndurI doA sLamAt aR..dEn i saW aLL mY aUnts aNd unCLEs whicH i haVenT sEEn thEm LIke iN ageS..haHA..aNd tHE fiRSt qN thEY asKed weN i steP inTO thE roOM tO saLAm thEm iS daT .."fiqaH..da baIk sempuT??"tranSLAte daT tO wethEr mY asTHMA haD recoVereD..sO i said daT oK La..geTTINg beTTEr..itS LIKe aLL theiR eyES aRe On mE sia..maK Long,aUnty,maK muK,taNte..aLL oF thEm..sO shOCkinG u noE..hoW coME thEY kneW daT i waS hospitaLIsed cauSe oF asthMa??hMM..
oK..thERe waS aLOt oF nicE foOD..esPECiaLLY tuLANg..yuMMy..buT tOO baD i aTE aBit onLY..tOO LAZy tO gO fOR secOnd rOUNd..sO i taLKEd tO saSHa..mY 20 yR oLD cuziN..sHE toLD me boUT heR joB at bosinI..deN suddENLy aLL mY aUntS aSkEd mE waT coursE iM taKing at ITE..i toLD thEm nursiNG..aND aLL oF sudDEn thEy begiN tO taLk boUT thE higH paY LA..tiZ LA..daT LA..oK LA..maYbe thEy aRe advicinG mE..sO yA..thanKs sO much..apPreciaTe iT sOOo muCH..
afTr dat continUe tO chat wit faHmi..anOTher oNe of mY cuziN..the piC abovE..omG..aftEr nOt seEing hiM for sO Long,he disTurbEd mE aLOt with hiS stupiD aNd LAMe joKE...nOT fORgeTIng hIS moNstroUS LAUGh..daT goeS HAHA..sO LOudLY..buT stiLL..he iS mY cLOsesT evEr cuziN..n i LOVe him..aS mY cuziN LA..aYo..die dA aDE gaL LA..
oK..my haNds aRe getTINg tirEd..aNd iM geTTinG LAZy tO tyPe moRe thinGs..
