damn..thiS paiN iS kiLLinG mE..!F**K it maN..haiYa...

wen waS thE LasT timE tiS stupId tOothacHe haD me??10 yrS aGo??

kk..waTeva..So pPL..how'S thE neW LayouT??i kneW its simPLE..causE oF daT i sLept aT 5am...treD LooKing for a nicE&betTer ones buT sudDENLy thE inTerneT jaMmed..i waS Like waT thE F**K??LuckiLy sufyaN caMe tO my rescue..hEhe..waS chaTTinG wiT hiM aT mSn bEfore daT..he asKed me tO remaIn coOL n patienCe..so yA..i diD..and..yA thaNks tO him the thinG weNt baCk tO noRmaL..haha..if not for him,i wud imMediateLy switChed oFf aLL the comP pLucks aNd jumPed oNto my beD..sO..thAnks sufYan...

so i receiveD a LetTer frM ite simei..itS bouT the coursE oF my choiCe...weLL..i waS shortListEd siA..hMM..so theY asked Me tO gO foR an intervieW tiZ tueS..hopefuLLy i gOt in..i am sO wantiNg to be iN daT course..speaKinG bouT tueS ritE..i sudDEnLy reMembeREd boUt the badminton matcH..haiyA..hMM..hopEfuLLy the guYs can chaNge iT on mOn..sorrY k rizaL..aku memang La nK sangat main ngan koRang..so mon k??

kLA..i missEd my 8 hrs of sLeEp actuaLLy..thiS paST feW dAys i'Ve beEn sLeePing LaTe..onLine tiLL the weE hours of moRninG...

so im oFf tO bEd...

bye pPL..


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