damn..thiS paiN iS kiLLinG mE..!F**K it maN..haiYa...
wen waS thE LasT timE tiS stupId tOothacHe haD me??10 yrS aGo??
kk..waTeva..So pPL..how'S thE neW LayouT??i kneW its simPLE..causE oF daT i sLept aT 5am...treD LooKing for a nicE&betTer ones buT sudDENLy thE inTerneT jaMmed..i waS Like waT thE F**K??LuckiLy sufyaN caMe tO my rescue..hEhe..waS chaTTinG wiT hiM aT mSn bEfore daT..he asKed me tO remaIn coOL n patienCe..so yA..i diD..and..yA thaNks tO him the thinG weNt baCk tO noRmaL..haha..if not for him,i wud imMediateLy switChed oFf aLL the comP pLucks aNd jumPed oNto my beD..sO..thAnks sufYan...
so i receiveD a LetTer frM ite simei..itS bouT the coursE oF my choiCe...weLL..i waS shortListEd siA..hMM..so theY asked Me tO gO foR an intervieW tiZ tueS..hopefuLLy i gOt in..i am sO wantiNg to be iN daT course..speaKinG bouT tueS ritE..i sudDEnLy reMembeREd boUt the badminton matcH..haiyA..hMM..hopEfuLLy the guYs can chaNge iT on mOn..sorrY k rizaL..aku memang La nK sangat main ngan koRang..so mon k??
kLA..i missEd my 8 hrs of sLeEp actuaLLy..thiS paST feW dAys i'Ve beEn sLeePing LaTe..onLine tiLL the weE hours of moRninG...
so im oFf tO bEd...
bye pPL..
wen waS thE LasT timE tiS stupId tOothacHe haD me??10 yrS aGo??
kk..waTeva..So pPL..how'S thE neW LayouT??i kneW its simPLE..causE oF daT i sLept aT 5am...treD LooKing for a nicE&betTer ones buT sudDENLy thE inTerneT jaMmed..i waS Like waT thE F**K??LuckiLy sufyaN caMe tO my rescue..hEhe..waS chaTTinG wiT hiM aT mSn bEfore daT..he asKed me tO remaIn coOL n patienCe..so yA..i diD..and..yA thaNks tO him the thinG weNt baCk tO noRmaL..haha..if not for him,i wud imMediateLy switChed oFf aLL the comP pLucks aNd jumPed oNto my beD..sO..thAnks sufYan...
so i receiveD a LetTer frM ite simei..itS bouT the coursE oF my choiCe...weLL..i waS shortListEd siA..hMM..so theY asked Me tO gO foR an intervieW tiZ tueS..hopefuLLy i gOt in..i am sO wantiNg to be iN daT course..speaKinG bouT tueS ritE..i sudDEnLy reMembeREd boUt the badminton matcH..haiyA..hMM..hopEfuLLy the guYs can chaNge iT on mOn..sorrY k rizaL..aku memang La nK sangat main ngan koRang..so mon k??
kLA..i missEd my 8 hrs of sLeEp actuaLLy..thiS paST feW dAys i'Ve beEn sLeePing LaTe..onLine tiLL the weE hours of moRninG...
so im oFf tO bEd...
bye pPL..