i dOnt noe waTs wrOng wiT mE buT i thinK i beginNing to geT LAzY in bLogGInG..notIn to writE..

weLL..actuaLLy theRe is LA..weNt tO my apPoinTmenT yesT..theY gaVe mE thIz fLU vacinatioN whicH sOMe sOrt prOtecTs mE frOm haVinG fLU?haHa..daMn! cause oF daT mY riGht arM iS so stIff aNd huRts eveRytiMe i LifT it..eveN noW iM typIN it stiLL huRtS LikE F**K.. the doC saY mA asThmA cOnditiOn is nOt sO goOd sO hE gavE me tiZ nEw forM oF mEdiciNE fOr asThmaTic pAtieNts Like mE..thiS timE iS nOt thE inhaLer oNe bUt iTs In thE poWderic foRm..hahA..coOL huh?

okLa..aftEr aLL the apPointMenT wiTh the doC..we went tO tamaN juRoNg at fOrk&spoON hav our LuncH thEre.. dEn we went hOme wiTh a SmiLe on oUr facEs..hAHa.. Lame!

anD bTw i caNt beLieVe daT hE saYs soRRy tO mE!!haHaz..its LikE i thOugHt hE iS noT thE tyPe daT wiLL saY soRRy tO pPL..buT aNws iM sO GLad daT hE waNtEd tO sinceRELy aPPOLogiseD..hoPe we caN stiLL bE cLosE freNs LikE bEForE=)

kLA..i wan to rest my arm for now...




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