stUpiD idiOt!!
iVe beEn thRougH a LOt oF trOubLE swiTchinG thiS stuPid blogGEr thinGY tO thE goOgLe acCOUNt..anD finaLLY iM doNE wit thiS whoLe thinGy.. F**K!
oK..LEtS seE..weLL thE reasOn ivE nOT beEN updatinG iS becaUSe iVe bEeN quitE siCk aND unDer thE weAtheR LATELY..thE fLU..thE soRethRoaT..thE cougH..omG..noT foRgetiNg mY asThmA atTACk..i thOUghT iVe recOverED fuLLy buT gueSS i waS wroNG..serioUSLy durING those feW dAYs..i jusT cudnT geT uP..was bedridDEn..haHA..LIkE iN thE hospiTAL siA..eveN usinG mA inhaLEr durinG thE AtTACk waS UseLEsS..i feLT LIke i waS dyinG..cudnT breaTHE..haHA..gLAD iM abiT beTTer noW..
actuaLLy i wouLD LIkE tO aPPoLOgisE tO roSE aNd PS..thEY asKEd mE oUT duRING thE perioD i waS SICK...i diDNT eveN noE daT iM gOIn tO bE sICk tHe nExT daY IM goiN tO meET thEm..iT jusT haPPenEd LIkE daT..sO guYS..sO soRri yaR..
haHA..i receiveD teN bucKS frM mA dAd jusT noW..finaLLy i caN toP uP mA ezLINk caRd aftER sO LONg noT toPPing uP The carD..thE vaLue muSt bE minuS sumtiN now..haHA..
kk..drOP again sOon anoTHer timE..
iVe beEn thRougH a LOt oF trOubLE swiTchinG thiS stuPid blogGEr thinGY tO thE goOgLe acCOUNt..anD finaLLY iM doNE wit thiS whoLe thinGy.. F**K!
oK..LEtS seE..weLL thE reasOn ivE nOT beEN updatinG iS becaUSe iVe bEeN quitE siCk aND unDer thE weAtheR LATELY..thE fLU..thE soRethRoaT..thE cougH..omG..noT foRgetiNg mY asThmA atTACk..i thOUghT iVe recOverED fuLLy buT gueSS i waS wroNG..serioUSLy durING those feW dAYs..i jusT cudnT geT uP..was bedridDEn..haHA..LIkE iN thE hospiTAL siA..eveN usinG mA inhaLEr durinG thE AtTACk waS UseLEsS..i feLT LIke i waS dyinG..cudnT breaTHE..haHA..gLAD iM abiT beTTer noW..
actuaLLy i wouLD LIkE tO aPPoLOgisE tO roSE aNd PS..thEY asKEd mE oUT duRING thE perioD i waS SICK...i diDNT eveN noE daT iM gOIn tO bE sICk tHe nExT daY IM goiN tO meET thEm..iT jusT haPPenEd LIkE daT..sO guYS..sO soRri yaR..
haHA..i receiveD teN bucKS frM mA dAd jusT noW..finaLLy i caN toP uP mA ezLINk caRd aftER sO LONg noT toPPing uP The carD..thE vaLue muSt bE minuS sumtiN now..haHA..
kk..drOP again sOon anoTHer timE..