todaY was fuN.... todaY wE breAk fasT outsidE..togeTher wiT suFyaN,RosE,heR siS haFiz n mE.. i atE bamiaN n wE atE ba miaN..sO yumMy..taKe piC aLso..heHez... weLL notiN mucH hapPeneD todaY xcepT daT manY oF mA cLaz maYTes didNt turN uP.. oMg..Left onLy a weEk tO hanD in mA coursEweRk n nexT weEk intenSive proG aLreaY starT..sO streSS..haiyO.. kLa..donT waNt tO taLk sO mucH..neEd to studY LiaO.. siGninG ofF.. ~fiQxforevA~
Showing posts from September, 2006
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BLooDy........................... goT baCk mY resuLts todaY anD iT suCKS to thE corE maN!! mY enGLish i wrOte ouT oF poinT n becAusE oF daT stupId mistAke i goT LesS maRk..mA matHs doNt saY La...mA scIENCe noT baD La..incLudinG mA sS... weLL tiS onLy thE prELimS aitS..i stiLL goT a monTh tO weRk harD..nO morE oF thiS bLogGing ..i meaN..reaLLy neEd a breaK maN n stArt soMe seRIous stUdyinG!!!!aFteR daT den caN contiNue wiTh aLL thiS thingY yaR... somE moRe i foughT wiT mA foUrtH siS..donT knoW whY La..jUS becAusE oF a smaLL matTer..i reaLLy waN tO bE nicE tO heR buT shE iS juS sO rudE aT timeS.. daY sucKs todaY..verY tired..geT tO knoW a neW freN..not mA freN buT iTs rubinIs freN..FAR2 meT hiM togetHEr..haHz.. kLa..gtG noW n staRt studYinG.. siGninG ofF.. ~fiQxforEva~
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mMmmmm...niCe foOds.. todAy we brEak fasT sO manY kinDs oF foOd sincE iTs mY sis n bRo birtHday... deN we oRder KFC..yumMy chickEn seHz...n fOr the fiRst tiME wE breAK fasT witH mY daD cauSe hEs noT weRkinG todaY.. tmR stiLL got scH n thereS pE...yeaH..haHaz..LamE..caN finALLy Lose soMe oF thEse faTs..haHz... n..oMg..reSULts wiLL be ouT foR tHE prELim...iM sO busTed maN.. coNfiRm faiL soME oF thE subjEctS..hmm.. kLa..u see..noT onLy mA muM buT mA dad aLso doNt Like me usiNg thE comP..wasTe of biLL laH..tiz laH..daT Lah..bLa..BLa..Bla.. klA..tiLL heRe i guesS.. siGninG ofF.. ~FiqXforEvA~
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pRelimS oveR!!!! yeaH babE...mY prelims aRe oveR...weLL noT daT oveR i guesS..stiLL goT lesS than 40 daYs tO thE reaL thinG....hoW time fLies... hahZ..i did mentiOn iM noT gonNa bLog foR thE time beinG...buT stiLL tempteD ar..noW mA muM stiLL sleEpin..iF noT shE wiLL surE nagGed at mE to swiTcH ofF thE comP...haHax.. i tinK im gonNa do verY baDLy foR ma preLims..didnT reaLLy study seHz..somemorE aRt sucKs jusT noW...doNt even noE waT the heLL diD i draW...haHaz..whatEva aR..o Lvl..deN can do properLy..kuaNg3.. kLa..befOre ma mum WAke up n starT nagGing..i betTer gO first.. iF i hav the timE i wiLL bLog agaiN yaR..conFirM onE..hehez.. siGninG ofF.. ~fiQxForevA~
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yEstErdaY waS fuN...weNt tO thE suRia rayA caRnivaL...sO manY pPl seHz..aND thE besT paRt waS tHE firEWorKs n tHe sounD efFecT waS sO damN amazinG..haHax... deN todaY i meT daT fuckeR...i phOtocoPy somE notEs foR hiM anD in thE enD didnT eveN saY thanK yoU...basKet siA...deN he wAs sO laTe somemoRe..donT noE hoW tO saY sorRy...mY siS saY tO juS ignoRe tIz tyPe oF pPl..n sO i diD.. tmR wiLL be thE fiRst dAy oF fasTing foR uS...maYbe thE LasT tiMe i wiLL bLog foR thE time beinG..neEd a breaK n dO aLL thE reLigioUS stuFF thaT tHe muslims aRe supposed tO do..iM seriousLy tryIng tO chanGe my atTitudE..waTs pasT iS pasT n wiLL remain a biTTer hiStorY foR mE..i hoPe in thE future i wiLL becoMe a moRe usefuL persOn..bE stronG n noT bE weaK n gULibBle Lije noW...i caN do tiZ iF i trY righT... n yeaH..i wiLL Lose some weighT... hmM.. kLa..datS aLL foR noW peEps.. signIng ofF.. ~FiqXforEva~
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waH....So Long time i never bLoG sehz..goT no timE Lah.. weLL...juZ now wenT swimMing..sO fuN..hahZ... deN yestErdaY got gatherinG at mY aunt anD uncLes caME tO mY hsE... i tinK im Juz goin wiTh the floW oF my lifE..causE o lVL is moRe impoRtanT tO me noW..need to studY harD!! im detErminEd tO dO tiZ...!! kLa..datS aLL foR noW.. shoRt n simpLe.. signiNg ofF ~FiQx foRevA~
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haiZ...................... weLL frM noW on i wiLL tinK positivE anD oPtismitiC.. i caN dO tiZ!!!hmM..deN rosE msG me juZ noW bouT thE bacKstabBing thinGy..i doNt carE aboUt aLL daT noW..waT i carE iS i waNna tO bE ouT oF thaT pathEtiC scH oF mine....i M aLso goiN wiTh the fLow..prEtendiNg notiNg iS haPpeninG toWarDs mE evenT thougH therE is..tO thE guY daT im haviNg crusH on..iM juZ wisHing u aLL the besT n hoPe daT one daY the gaL daT he LikeS wIll come bacK to him.. maybe hEs kinD,caRing,oNe in a miLLion n genTLeman taT makEs me aTTracteD tO hiM buT heY watevA it iS..he donT Likes me..hE LikeS heR causE shes moRe perfecT deN mE..HaiX.. :( :( kLa..daTs ALL foR noW peEpss... with mucH saDdnesS.. siGninG ofF.. ~FiqXforEva ~
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SOS PLS SOMEONE HELP ME!!!! i donT noE waTs wrOng wiT me..itS Like iM trYinG tO Lose somE goD Damn weighT buT stIll caNnot..trYinG to stop eaTing bUt thE teMptatiOn iS stiLL therE...StupiD heLL!!!!!! arHg..waTeva it iS..i doNt caRE..iM detErminEd tO dO tiZ!!!i goTTa geT thRougH tiZ...!!deN u noE Less thAn fouR houRs sO manY peEps aLreadY kneW whO the perSon daT im havinG crusH on...weLL thaT persOn juS treaT me aS a freN..waT tO do..causE heS stiLL Like daT gaL..arH..foRgeT it..tiZ iS waT hapPened wen u Like someone anD dat someOne aLways wonT Like u baCk..waTs the poinT man??!!LsT timE i aLso haV crusHes on guYs buT thE facT iS theY wonT Like u bacK!!!sO tHe moraL oF the storY iS DONT HAV CRUSHES!!! goD iM so daMn pisSed!!!!I HATE MYSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK WAT I SAID.. IT DONT MEAN SHIT NOW!!!!! waTeva...Im outTa oF heRE!!! ~FIQXFOREVA~
waT goeS aroUnd comEs arOunD..............
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waT goeS arOund,comE aroUnd... hmM..todaY i wenT foR arT..buT diD noT do anYting..haHz.. wenT tO wesT maLL wTh peiShaN n vaniTha n ALso yuSnani...thEn therE, thEre is a somE soRt of bLoOd donatiOn thingY..n i waNted serioUsLy wanTed to donaTe soMe oF ma bLooD buT toO baD iM noT 18 yeT n somE moRe yuS toLd dat if i stiLL continue tO donaTE bLooD noW i mitE geT a feveR n geT easiLy sicK..buT i did nOt take thE riSk causE itS thE pReLim exaM noW sO daTs iT LA.. sincE younG ivE beEn wanytinNG to donate bLood donT noE whY..maYbe tO savE Life i gueSS..ivE aLso beEn wantiNg to bE a docTor weN i waS younG but weLL..i gueSs..canNot maKe iT La..mathS n scienCe gonE..haHax.. den jusT now aLso weNt ouT banqueT eaT agaIn..aT the saMe time peisHan talk facE to faCE bouT the bacKstabBing thinGy..weLL thanK god its setTle noW..causE iM sO not inTo quaRReLing wiTh thEm.. mY sis musT be ridIng witH daT shEs sO damMN LuckY.. aLL the besT with him i gueSS.. kLa..daTs aLL peepS.. ~fiQxforEva~
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yipEeeeeeeeeeee!! weLL mA secoNd timE to bLog today..stiLL quiTe bLurR in tiS bLog thingY..haHax... hmM..weNt tO eaT aT banqueT juS noW wiT My siSsy aftEr stuDyinG aT jE LibraRy... i tinK im haVinG a cruSh on mY claSmaTe agaiN..tiZ timE itS a chinesE guY..i donT knoW watS wronG wit mE..itS Like im havIng cruSheS on so maNy guyS LateLy..buT watS the usE..thEy wonT Like mE baCk riTe causE iM faT n noT uP to stAndarD..sO saD.. :( kLa..waTevaR it iS iM jusT goIn on wiT mA Life..thEn jus noW khai caLLed mE n i asKed sheMnon tO picK up thE phoNe causE he n cHee menG aR aLso in thE LibrarY...funNy seH..weN he picK op thE phonE he saiD heLLo n aSk is daT the sun?causE its raininG....bLa..bLa.. aftEr daT khai puT down thE phone...sO funNy..HahaHz..i aM so nOt goinG to haV anymoRe conTact with hIm..suCh basTarD... haHx..g2G now..befOre ma muM comEs bacK homE.. tatAzzzz... ~fiQxforevA~
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weLL...iM noW at JuronG easT boRing,i deciDded tO bLog..haHax... itS truE waT my siS saiD..onCe u bLog,u wiLL geT hoOked tO it...seRiouSLy... toDay supPosed tO studY togeTher witH peisHan,rosE n vanithA buT LatEr la..heHex... aCtuaLLy im quIte saD wiTh mY Life ritE noW..iM wondeRing weN hapPinesS caN comE tO mY Life..itS LikE i seEm tO faiL in everYtinG i dO sucH as LovE n aLso studiEs...thEn itS Like i weNt tO ridinG motOrbikE Last thuRs witH haidAh's freN whicH is a guY..quiTe handsOme...thEN mY siS aLso waNT to comE aLso causE shEs onE kinD oF a biKe freAk...aftEr aLL thE ridIn thiS guY msG mY sis buT nevEr msG me..i msG hiM alsO he saY he waNt tO repLy buT in thE enD hE diD noT..hE msG my siS insteAd..nOt faiR ritE..shE saiD thEy aR jus frenS but whY didNt he rePly mY msg bUt hE msG my siS i iM thE onE whO kneW hiM fiRst buT theN hiS atTentiOn chAngE tO my siS...iM sO heaRt broKen!!! mY freN saiD u aLreaDy caugHt thE fisH buT i gavE iT awaY..i shUd hav kePt iT tO m...
weLcumE tO mA LiFe!!!!
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wohOOOOOOOoooooooo!!!!! thanKs to daT sisSy oF minE..ivE goT a bloG...noT useD to aLL thiS thinGy actuaLLy..haHax!! weLL todaY my firsT daY of preLim..enG p1&p2..dO difFuicuLt sia... fOR the comPo i wrOte ouT oF poinT seHz..sO saD..coNfirM faiL waN.. buT nvM..stiLL goT o LvL anD tiZ timE muSt dO xtrEmeLy weLL..ritE?? actuaLLy iM Lazy in doiN aLL thiS buT sinCe my siS conviNced mE in doinG aLL tiz,ivE deciDEd tO juS go n makE onE bLog..shE saiD oncE u hav a bLog,u wiLL geT hoOked on it..reaLLy aR?isiT truE?haHax.. klA..daTs aLL foR todaY.. iF goT time deN i wiLL posT a neW bLog nexT timE.. haHax.. tiLL herE.. ~FiQxfoReva ~