waT goeS aroUnd comEs arOunD..............

waT goeS arOund,comE aroUnd...

hmM..todaY i wenT foR arT..buT diD noT do anYting..haHz.. wenT tO wesT maLL wTh peiShaN n vaniTha n ALso yuSnani...thEn therE,
thEre is a somE soRt of bLoOd donatiOn thingY..n i waNted serioUsLy wanTed to donaTe soMe oF ma bLooD buT toO baD iM noT 18 yeT n somE moRe yuS toLd dat if i stiLL continue tO donaTE bLooD noW i mitE geT a feveR n geT easiLy sicK..buT i did nOt take thE riSk causE itS thE pReLim exaM noW sO daTs iT LA..

sincE younG ivE beEn wanytinNG to donate bLood donT noE whY..maYbe tO savE Life i gueSS..ivE aLso beEn wantiNg to bE a docTor weN i waS younG but weLL..i gueSs..canNot maKe iT La..mathS n scienCe gonE..haHax..

den jusT now aLso weNt ouT banqueT eaT agaIn..aT the saMe time peisHan talk facE to faCE bouT the bacKstabBing thinGy..weLL thanK god its setTle noW..causE iM sO not inTo quaRReLing wiTh thEm..

mY sis musT be ridIng witH daT guY..man shEs sO damMN LuckY..
aLL the besT with him i gueSS..

kLa..daTs aLL peepS..



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