pRelimS oveR!!!!
yeaH babE...mY prelims aRe oveR...weLL noT daT oveR i guesS..stiLL goT lesS than 40 daYs tO thE reaL thinG....hoW time fLies...
hahZ..i did mentiOn iM noT gonNa bLog foR thE time beinG...buT stiLL tempteD ar..noW mA muM stiLL sleEpin..iF noT shE wiLL surE nagGed at mE to swiTcH ofF thE comP...haHax..
i tinK im gonNa do verY baDLy foR ma preLims..didnT reaLLy study seHz..somemorE aRt sucKs jusT noW...doNt even noE waT the heLL diD i draW...haHaz..whatEva aR..o Lvl..deN can do properLy..kuaNg3..
kLa..befOre ma mum WAke up n starT nagGing..i betTer gO first..
iF i hav the timE i wiLL bLog agaiN yaR..conFirM onE..hehez..
siGninG ofF..
yeaH babE...mY prelims aRe oveR...weLL noT daT oveR i guesS..stiLL goT lesS than 40 daYs tO thE reaL thinG....hoW time fLies...
hahZ..i did mentiOn iM noT gonNa bLog foR thE time beinG...buT stiLL tempteD ar..noW mA muM stiLL sleEpin..iF noT shE wiLL surE nagGed at mE to swiTcH ofF thE comP...haHax..
i tinK im gonNa do verY baDLy foR ma preLims..didnT reaLLy study seHz..somemorE aRt sucKs jusT noW...doNt even noE waT the heLL diD i draW...haHaz..whatEva aR..o Lvl..deN can do properLy..kuaNg3..
kLa..befOre ma mum WAke up n starT nagGing..i betTer gO first..
iF i hav the timE i wiLL bLog agaiN yaR..conFirM onE..hehez..
siGninG ofF..