
yEstErdaY waS fuN...weNt tO thE suRia rayA caRnivaL...sO manY pPl seHz..aND thE besT paRt waS tHE firEWorKs n tHe sounD efFecT waS sO damN amazinG..haHax...

deN todaY i meT daT fuckeR...i phOtocoPy somE notEs foR hiM anD in thE enD didnT eveN saY thanK yoU...basKet siA...deN he wAs sO laTe somemoRe..donT noE hoW tO saY sorRy...mY siS saY tO juS ignoRe tIz tyPe oF pPl..n sO i diD..

tmR wiLL be thE fiRst dAy oF fasTing foR uS...maYbe thE LasT tiMe i wiLL bLog foR thE time beinG..neEd a breaK n dO aLL thE reLigioUS stuFF thaT tHe muslims aRe supposed tO do..iM seriousLy tryIng tO chanGe my atTitudE..waTs pasT iS pasT n wiLL remain a biTTer hiStorY foR mE..i hoPe in thE future i wiLL becoMe a moRe usefuL persOn..bE stronG n noT bE weaK n gULibBle Lije noW...i caN do tiZ iF i trY righT...

n yeaH..i wiLL Lose some weighT...


kLa..datS aLL foR noW peEps..

signIng ofF..


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