mMmmmm...niCe foOds..

todAy we brEak fasT sO manY kinDs oF foOd sincE iTs mY sis n bRo birtHday...
deN we oRder KFC..yumMy chickEn seHz...n fOr the fiRst tiME wE breAK fasT witH mY daD cauSe hEs noT weRkinG todaY..

tmR stiLL got scH n thereS pE...yeaH..haHaz..LamE..caN finALLy Lose soMe oF thEse faTs..haHz...

n..oMg..reSULts wiLL be ouT foR tHE prELim...iM sO busTed maN..
coNfiRm faiL soME oF thE subjEctS..hmm..

kLa..u see..noT onLy mA muM buT mA dad aLso doNt Like me usiNg
thE comP..wasTe of biLL laH..tiz laH..daT Lah..bLa..BLa..Bla..

klA..tiLL heRe i guesS..

siGninG ofF..


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