weLL mA secoNd timE to bLog today..stiLL quiTe bLurR in tiS bLog thingY..haHax...
hmM..weNt tO eaT aT banqueT juS noW wiT My siSsy aftEr stuDyinG aT jE LibraRy...
i tinK im haVinG a cruSh on mY claSmaTe agaiN..tiZ timE itS a chinesE guY..i donT knoW watS wronG wit mE..itS Like im havIng cruSheS on so maNy guyS LateLy..buT watS the usE..thEy wonT Like mE baCk riTe causE iM faT n noT uP to stAndarD..sO saD.. :(
kLa..waTevaR it iS iM jusT goIn on wiT mA Life..thEn jus noW khai caLLed mE n i asKed sheMnon tO picK up thE phoNe causE he n cHee menG aR aLso in thE LibrarY...funNy seH..weN he picK op thE phonE he saiD heLLo n aSk is daT the sun?causE its raininG....bLa..bLa..
aftEr daT khai puT down thE phone...sO funNy..HahaHz..i aM so nOt goinG to haV anymoRe conTact with hIm..suCh basTarD...
haHx..g2G now..befOre ma muM comEs bacK homE..
weLL mA secoNd timE to bLog today..stiLL quiTe bLurR in tiS bLog thingY..haHax...
hmM..weNt tO eaT aT banqueT juS noW wiT My siSsy aftEr stuDyinG aT jE LibraRy...
i tinK im haVinG a cruSh on mY claSmaTe agaiN..tiZ timE itS a chinesE guY..i donT knoW watS wronG wit mE..itS Like im havIng cruSheS on so maNy guyS LateLy..buT watS the usE..thEy wonT Like mE baCk riTe causE iM faT n noT uP to stAndarD..sO saD.. :(
kLa..waTevaR it iS iM jusT goIn on wiT mA Life..thEn jus noW khai caLLed mE n i asKed sheMnon tO picK up thE phoNe causE he n cHee menG aR aLso in thE LibrarY...funNy seH..weN he picK op thE phonE he saiD heLLo n aSk is daT the sun?causE its raininG....bLa..bLa..
aftEr daT khai puT down thE phone...sO funNy..HahaHz..i aM so nOt goinG to haV anymoRe conTact with hIm..suCh basTarD...
haHx..g2G now..befOre ma muM comEs bacK homE..