
weLL frM noW on i wiLL tinK positivE anD oPtismitiC..
i caN dO tiZ!!!hmM..deN rosE msG me juZ noW bouT thE bacKstabBing thinGy..i doNt carE aboUt aLL daT noW..waT i carE iS i waNna tO bE ouT oF thaT pathEtiC scH oF mine....i M aLso goiN wiTh the fLow..prEtendiNg notiNg iS haPpeninG toWarDs mE evenT thougH therE is..tO thE guY daT im haviNg crusH on..iM juZ wisHing u aLL the besT n hoPe daT one daY the gaL daT he LikeS wIll come bacK to him..

maybe hEs kinD,caRing,oNe in a miLLion n genTLeman taT makEs me aTTracteD tO hiM buT heY watevA it iS..he donT Likes me..hE LikeS heR
causE shes moRe perfecT deN mE..HaiX.. :( :(

kLa..daTs ALL foR noW peEpss...
with mucH saDdnesS..
siGninG ofF..


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