
Showing posts from September, 2009


damn i'll be werking wit the new manager later on. malas siak aku. bencibencibenci! haiz.dono wats wrong wit me. wat am i even thinking? am i in the right path. its like suddenly the thought just came rushing into this puny brain of mine. and den yest i had tis bad headaches which seriously hurts like fuck. and i really felt like taking a knife and cut it in half. so that all the blood will be gooshing out frm the brain and the brain ..... ewwwww,disgusting siak aku.kk.stop it. back to the thought i was talking earlier on, aku seriously tak tau ah bebs. haiz. shud i? or shudnt i? the feeling its like disappearing slowly without me knowing it sumtimes. ah,fuck it la.dowant stress myself over tis. and tmr my exam result. plsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplspls hopefully a b tis time.

meet the parents session.

wow.i woke up early today. 830am!haa.okla .not as early as 6 of coz. and guess wat i did after that? i cleaned the living room and the kitchen.ha! isint dat an achievement for me?? wahh. nola i mean usualyy wen i woke up,i wud sit my butt infront of the comp,but today,not! haaa. so yest boifie came over my hse. was supposed to be cooking maggi cause he wanted me to cooked for him but the mother insisted to to have chicken rice instead. haa. kecian u mcm2 ujian diberi yer. but he stayed strong. and congtrats. u made it half way through ya! but still hun,u need to learn more tau. so ya later on that nite, went out kfc to celebrate the 4th sis and bro bdae. he followed. and ya he enjoyed meeting and goin out wit my family. hun,remember ur vow tau. be a gd boi for me k? luvluvluv u!

september babies.

a very big happy birthday to two of the special people in my life. happy 6th birthday to bro abdul matin n happy 15th birthday to 4th sis nur'aqilah sofiana. love u bery much. and ya thanks to boifie for accompanying me buy the stuffs for those two. and ya the contributing part too k. didnt expect tau. and tis sorethroat still hurts to the core. benci sak .

enthusiasm of that someone for being sucessful

advance congrats to boifie for getting first in at a dono wat match i think organised at ubin. kudos also for getting marksmanship in his shooting,silver in ippt and lastly he will be promoted to a a corpral. hip3 hip3 hip3 hooray! now i wake up feeling the heat running through the whole body. so sick liao.


in the middle of the nite.. found myself having a terrible sorethroat and flu. and im sososo weak. ni sume keje punye psl smlm. aku tak suke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks jap lag mak long ayah nak dtg. nak kena uat air sume. haiz. mak aku plak nak masak. kena kmas dapur.. haizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. irritating ah ni flu n sorethroat. GO AWAY!


damn,i cant upload the video on hari raya at yishun my mum's side. and hahaha..seriously i cant stop laughing and i keep repeating the video. go check it out and my facebook wall. nice. and i still havent shower. bucuk nye org. heee so lazy to go werk.wahhhhh

its a she.

dono wat to say. the new manager. haiz. hopefully i wont get so stressed out werking there. new scheddule,new rules,new everything la! mcm soyal! mak,aku nak andy alek..boleh?? yelah dgr2 mak aku leh uat apape pe.


courtesy of boifie for the newly rebonded fringe.. lovelovelove it. and of coz lovelovelove u!haaa so ya he bought a new digi cam. and he keep snapping pics of me. so irritating tau kdg2. hahahhaha. and thanks tadi alek ku kena maki. lambat sgt. sampai abg wan(kak sdare ku nye husband )ckp "jumpe mambang mane je ?" yelah mambang. and boifie said i look cute in the pic. sure anot? ayooo. and thanks again duit raye ku da nak abez.. bayar bill polyclinic nye psl. rabakkk

selamat hari raya!

the first day of raya.. okla.. haa. early in the morning help mum prepare a heavy breakfast wit the family, there's nasi sayur,ayam masak merah,chop chye,sambal goreng. oooo my mum cooks the best. tengokla muke satu2 so after that seek forgiveness frm both the parents. emotions in the air. dono why fatin suddenly burst into tears. haaa. and ya.between the siblings too.. so after that head to yishun where to my grandma'S mum side. ate laksa. ya and so the rest of the other makciks,pakciks,kak sdare,abg sdare. took pic of coz. rite after that head to yew tee to my grandma's dad side. eat again. eateateat only. next went to b.panjang. my nyai biah. ouh she's one cute lady i must say. and ya the hse was abit cosy so wen all of us plus the makciks and pakciks plus the cuzzies frm the dad side came,suddenly become so cramped. den proceed to my mum side. umah maklong.pastu umah kak zila and last umah uncle kak jun. was supposed to go umah maksu but guess dad da condemned.haaa ...
so sats the second sis and me one big family frm mum side at yishun the cuzzies frm dad side. too bad tis year tkde family photo like the previous year. and lastly at b.panjang.

4 years.

wow. its almost 4 years of owning tis blog . such a longlonglonglonglonglonglonnglonglonglonglonglonglonglong( i dont know how long im typin ) longlonglonglong journey ive been through.... those memorable.unforgetable,unpleasant memories. haa. okok.. ya.. frm haa..wat a name !) to much nicer name.) happy 4th annivesary dear bloggie.!!


was emotionally down wen i found out dat my beloved manager at watson will be transferring to another outlet. at pioneer mall. the place where i used to werk few years back so saddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd! gonna mish u andy. ure the nicest manager ive met. seriously speaking.

9 mths suprise cake.

on one of the afernoon shift, boifie joined me and the cp mates for buke. and the first thing i saw was a big cake on the table at kopitiam. ok.aku da agak confirm bli cake. haaa and ya our 9 monthsary small celebration at nuh hospital during my break time. so the random. lol. thanks again hun. in return i gave a letter. ,his eyes suddenly had tears ok..he's touched. alalaaa..takmu nanges k? love u.


cp resumed tis week. 3 days of afternoon shift was a very tiring one. long hours of standing. mcm nak patah kaki aku. as soon as reached home,after a quick shower i wud dozed off. damn damn tired. today was morning shift. same cubicle wit khai. dat guy really like to disturb me and sumtiems i wud laughed st the way he teased me sumtimes..hmm made frens wit a couple of nursing students frm ngee ann poly. some were first years. and a few 2nd year student. and met one of my sec sch clazmante back in sec 2 last time.. so last week. boifie bought me a suprise. charles n keith. i was astounded cause i did not expect dat type of feminine wallet frm him. so thanks alot hun. plus the ya .

erti kasih

demi masa,aku mencari tafsir mimpi.. sesuhgguhnya..kehidupan memerlukan caturan.. bila malam ku lakarkan coretan semalam.. erti kasih?yang ku impi. terucaplah segala maksud di hati..

3 hrs ago.i was here.

morning ladies and gentlemen,boys and girls of all ages. hee.. its me again! suprise!wakahka. close to 3 hrs ago i blogged,so here i am again. and ya to mention only had 2 hrs of sleep,woke up to sahur and ya. im here infront of the comp. haiz. these days been so restless. u noe, sumtimes i expect too much.. maybe i just dont wanna get hurt again by those typical bastards dat ive met. but then again,i dont noe wat to say. think ure right. im a very bad bad bad gf. am i???????????????? aku sedihhhhhhhhhhh. haiz. maybe thats why im still awake. someone just shot me in the head. BANG! shoot,headache headache. not a gd sign.


its consider part 2of the spring cleaning done in the hse. and i swear to u thousnads of small dusts are everywhere. sheeess...mane tak..stahun skali je susun bende2 kat umah ni sume. so ya some of the furniture had been rearrange. and i like it. still not completed yet but hey. so nila kite adk bradik takde keje. snap some silly pics.. haaa sempatt.. the new addition to the hse..gues wat it is? a shoe rack..haaa ape je qila uat tuu yang ni plak si mirah uat posing ballerina si wardah.nta..hi-5! and ya thats the far.. so yala.dats it. iloveyouiloveiloveutauhuney.

these eyes wont just shut

its 3 in the morning. and ya.guess its same as the previous entries. those long2 time.whereby till this hour i wont sleep. just cant put my head on the pillow snuggle myself to lala land. i dont noe why. maybe im too sensetive? or maybe im just being egoistic. well.. i am who i am inside u noe. some things just cudnt change. but still i will try to compromise. cause i noe for now ure the best thing in my life. despite all those tears ive shed for u. those things u said. u noe u ar the first guy that i gave all my heart with. i happy? let time tells everything. was it u who spoke the words that things wont happen to me.. arethingsgonnahappennaturally?

the dayss

Image promised earlier,i uploaded some pics.. two days before exam,had an outing.. breakfast together at arnolds. and ya a bit of karaoking too. the gals mariam,nadiah,dayang amalina,me the guys,lets recall their name. raihan,tam,arep,qahar n...sape nta tak knal la..opss overall it was a fun one.. then last week cant remember the dates, went to army open hse... kla..bored..notin much.. very hot weather. mirah nana me,ama,mar,nad,fizah,racheal,dayang so bored.. hahaaa. so ya..the whole day spent at the kitchen. rearranging all those plates inside the almari dapor. i asked mum why the hell she kept all those plates of different colour and design. mcm menyemak je. and traps dust esily. and the funny thing we did not even used those plates. and then mum answered. those plates are frm grandma's. cause grandma used to stayed with us last time. so all of these were frm her laa.. ade mak aku ckp.. bagosla ade piring gini bnyk2 bagos. boleh uat kahwin. takyah nak bli2. ape jelaaaa mother. ...


yeshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. exams over darlings.. time to enjoy. wepeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


anw,just woke up. and im backkkkkk. and its like 12 pm now. tell me wen was the last time i woke at tis hour. 3452 days ago i think. and wen i woke up the house was like in a bit of mess i must say. second sis was cleaning and ya maybe the re arranging of the things inside the hse. so wats the definition of spring cleaning? well..i dont noe. cleaning la.. but why isit simply called spring and not autmn or winter? ok..a not so important qn. and u noe wat, might be busy the whole day tiday. will update another entry withs pic later on if i got the time yaaa..

trapped,sense of elation.

woke up frm 5 am all the way till now. didnt manage to get my sleep back. the continuation of this PBL project.. so troublesome. fianlly get to puase. and ya yest cooked sumtin for the family, mee goreng biase je.. still thinking on wats the menu for later on.hmm. after tsahur just now, washed the dishes, clean the kitchen and living room, da mcm bukan holiday daa nari. mcm part time maid tu adela..haaa. and ya.. final semester module exam is in a few more days. and i still havent study.. sheeshh.. ape nak jadik. guess boifie n me will be back to square1. bagosla tak jumpe.. klau tak..u noe i noe jela... kla..tink ill be goin to lala land. pnat laa.. cant wait for the 3 weeks sch hols,yay! and btw.. happy teachers day!! miss some of the sec sch teachers like mr noel ong,mr gopal.. dono if they still remember me or not..haaaa. funny wen student can remember the teachers but teachers cant remember their faces,,hmm.. apapela. kla..nak tdo ni... toodlezzzz guess ms nurfiqah zissakinah wil...