selamat hari raya!

the first day of raya..
early in the morning help mum prepare a heavy breakfast wit the family,

there's nasi sayur,ayam masak merah,chop chye,sambal goreng.
oooo my mum cooks the best.

tengokla muke satu2

so after that seek forgiveness frm both the parents.
emotions in the air.
dono why fatin suddenly burst into tears.
and ya.between the siblings too..

so after that head to yishun where to my grandma'S mum side.
ate laksa.

ya and so the rest of the other makciks,pakciks,kak sdare,abg sdare.
took pic of coz.

rite after that
head to yew tee to my grandma's dad side.
eat again.
eateateat only.

next went to b.panjang.
my nyai biah.
ouh she's one cute lady i must say.

and ya the hse was abit cosy so wen all of us plus the makciks and pakciks plus the cuzzies frm the dad side came,suddenly become so cramped.

den proceed to my mum side.
umah maklong.pastu umah kak zila and last umah uncle kak jun.

was supposed to go umah maksu but guess dad da condemned.haaa
tired yet enjoyable day wit the family frm both side.

aku dpt 50 plus duict collection!yayyay!
nila dkatekan rezeki.

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