
cp resumed tis week.
3 days of afternoon shift was a very tiring one.
long hours of standing.
mcm nak patah kaki aku.
as soon as reached home,after a quick shower i wud dozed off.
damn damn tired.

today was morning shift.
same cubicle wit khai.
dat guy really like to disturb me and sumtiems i wud laughed st the way he teased me sumtimes..hmm

made frens wit a couple of nursing students frm ngee ann poly.
some were first years.
and a few 2nd year student.
and met one of my sec sch clazmante back in sec 2 last time..

so last week.
boifie bought me a suprise.
charles n keith.
i was astounded cause i did not expect dat type of feminine wallet frm him.
so thanks alot hun.

plus the ya

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