trapped,sense of elation.

woke up frm 5 am all the way till now.
didnt manage to get my sleep back.

the continuation of this PBL project..
so troublesome.

fianlly get to puase.
and ya yest cooked sumtin for the family,
mee goreng biase je..
still thinking on wats the menu for later on.hmm.

after tsahur just now, washed the dishes,
clean the kitchen and living room,
da mcm bukan holiday daa nari.
mcm part time maid tu adela..haaa.

and ya..
final semester module exam is in a few more days.
and i still havent study..

ape nak jadik.

guess boifie n me will be back to square1.
bagosla tak jumpe..
klau tak..u noe i noe jela...

kla..tink ill be goin to lala land.
pnat laa..

cant wait for the 3 weeks sch hols,yay!
and btw..
happy teachers day!!
miss some of the sec sch teachers like mr noel ong,mr gopal..
dono if they still remember me or not..haaaa.
funny wen student can remember the teachers but teachers cant remember their faces,,hmm..
kla..nak tdo ni...

guess ms nurfiqah zissakinah will be goin for a hiatus now.
will be back soon ok.
with love,
ur nursing/watson girl.


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