ATTENTION!!! wanNa infoRm u peEps ouT theRe daT mA firSt o LvL papeR wiLL staRt TOMORROW!!! sO i wiLL taKe a breAk frOm bLogGinG..uPdaTe agaiN soOn aftEr 20 nOv yaR!! takinG caRe deaResT! ~FiQX~
Showing posts from October, 2006
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iM iN the midDLe oF cLeaninG the hSe nOw..hAhZ.. weLL i juSt finiSheD cLeninG ma roOm n nOw just fIniShEd moPpinG thE FloOr..gOd im sO daMn tiReD..weLL waT cAn i saY..haRi raya is comIn..tWo mOre dAyS..YAY!!sO neEd to cLeaN tHe hSe LoL..noW aLL mA siS aRe sLeEpiNG..inCLudiNg mA dAd..can heAR hIm snOriNg Frm ouTsidE hErE..hAhZ..oPps.. den yesT mA paREnTs bOughT a nEw tV sEt..qUitE bIg aR..nOt so smaLL..Like tHe prEvioUs sEt..bUt mUcH biGGer..fInaLLy cAn sEe sOmE cOloUrs oN tiZ nEw tV..haV i evA toLd U daT mA oLd tV sEt tHe scrEen aS iN tHE chaNneL arE sO daMn grEen iN coLouR siA..hahz..weIrd riTe..weLL iM jusT thanKfuL daT wE haD a nEw tV seT..WEeeeeeeeWOhOOOOOOoooooo.... bEsidEs tHe Tv sET mA paRenTs aLso bOuGht a dIgI cAm..wEll iN tIz mOdeRn wOrLd..some tHinGs jUsT nEedEd a ChangE riTe??nO mOre UsiNg Of FiLmS iN tHE fUtUrE i guEss.. dId i mEnTioN tO u daT i fALL RiGhT iN fRonT oF mA fOrm teAcHeR mR OnG???OmG..Im So eMbaRasSed siA..SO paisEh..i meaN i wAs NOt In A gOod mOod cAuSe dAt T...
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hmM.... u noE waT...iM Like supPose tO bE studyinG noW..tmR goT physiCs tesT siA n i diD nOt eveeN study anitiNg...omG..wat haV i becomE??hoW am i supposeD tO pasS mA O LvL Like tiZ man??hmM.. weLL..wateva it stiLL goinG scH tmR..practicAL comIn somEmorE..hahZ.. hey i foRgoT to mentiOn daT i wenT to mA pri scH yesteRdaY..actuaLLy i haV tO seNd mA siS tO somE stupiD coursE therE..nk masOk pri onE La dkaTekan..heHz.. aS i enteR xinGnaN prI scH aLL thosE memoriEs sudDenLy zoOmeD in tO ma minD..hehZ..thE unforgetABLe onEs,thE funNy onEs anD sO manY otheRs..hehEz..qiLa,mY 4tH siS brinG mE touR around the scH..the scH is LikE sO biG nOw and therEs sO manY changEs..i coULd geT LosT in daT scH maN..hahZ..thEn mA sis brinG mE tO thE schOOl haLL anD theRe engravEd mA naMe oN a piecE oF wooD hanGed on The waLL..i waS sO shockEd anD amazeD weN i seE ma fuLL namE therE..actuaLLy thoSe woods arE foR thE em1,em2 n em3 toP scoreR foR PSLE n thErE waS writTen ma naMe fOr tHE tOp studeNt 2001..w...
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aLaLa.... hmM..nO onEs at hoME noW...sO im free tO do waT i waNt...yeAh!!! weLL...i hoPe thingS wenT ouT weLL for me n heR...i stiLL wanNa be freNz wiT heR..haHz... okiEz..wheRE shaLL we staRt...yA..mA muM hidE the modEm witH thE PLuck yesT..iM likE waT the heLL maN!!stupiD...LucKy ma mouSe is quitE ok foR thE time beinG...theN ma muM Let mE haV thE modeM n yeaH..datS whY i get to Blog... twO morE weeks tO O LvL n omG i stiLL havent studied nytinG..i mean goT La..buT noT daT reaLLy as in focusinG...haiX...haLf oF ma braiN saId dat i shuD gO poLy n earN maseLf a LivinG..sincE im the eLdesT i shuD u noE bE aN examPLE tO ma sibLinGs...i waNt tO gO poLy seriouSLy...LikE mA fren saiD u arE aLreaDY iN seC 5 sO mighT as weRk harD tO gO poLy n noT turN bacK tO go itE...buT the probLeM iS...mA resuLts aRe sO daMn shiTt y maN..3 strAighT F9..iN mA entiRe LifE in seC scH i nevA score F9 b4..i meaN..iM sO Like hoW tO gO poLy witH tiZ typE oF resuLts seHx??hmM..weLL i jusT hoPe daT i wont disappoin...
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...... If it's HARd to taLk tO u Then what am I supposed to do When all I want to do is speak my mind If it's wrong to do what's right I'm prepared to testify If TaLKING To u with all my heart's a crime Then I'm guilty.... Im SoOOO SORriE gAl..itS mA fauLt..i noE iT iS..buT i jusT donO waT tO dO..jusT noW she onLine n thE nicK i thinK itS refErinG tO sO sorRy..i noE u gonNa haTE me ritE..weLL..i noe iM a baD perSon..i ditcH pPl..buT seriouSLy I donT mean daT tO u..haiX...i stiLL wanNa b uR dearEst frEn.. :( HELP!!! ~conFuseD Me~
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wasSuP.... hEheZ..i diD meNTioN daT Im nOt gonNa BLog foR tHe tiMe beinG...buT weLL..stiLL canNot resisT thE temtAtioN lEr...anD iM stresSed somEmorE..haiX... noW iM aT thE cybeRcaFe...inFronT oF thE comP besiDe mE iS roXiLiciOus...thE mousE aT hoMe..weLL..donT knoW LAr..somEtimEs spoiLt..deN soMEtimEs juSt weNt gugugaGa..u noE waT i meaN riTe...hAhZ... u noE waT..iM LikE veRy saD seHz yesT..i waS onLinE deN ma siS camE siT besiDe me..she saY shE wanTs tO alsO usE thE msN n saY shE wiLL heLp mE chanGe mA bLog skiN..i saId hoLd oN La..cause i waS msNinG wiT honG zhoU bouT todaY LesSon pLan..deN afteR aLL dat..i gaV iT tO hEr tO usE..weNt to mA roOm foR awhiLe n weNt ouT agaIn to thE comP as shE waS oNline..deN i asKed hEr tO help chanGe ma bLog skIn La n guess waT????shE staRted tO scOld mE siA..i meaN shout aT thosE worDs..i waS quiTe saD n huRt aftEr she scoLded me untiLL Like daT..i mean i waS asking foR heLp onLy dEn she lIke scOld aT mE..waT shE scOld..i doNt wa...
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sO sorRy.............. iM sO soRry peEps...itS beEn a Long tIMe siNce i LasT updaTe mA bLog yaR.. wEll tO manY thingS haD hapPen... 1)i waS soOoo sick..fLu n feveR tHe pasT feW daYs..tiLL noW..buT nOt sO woRse.. 2)ivE nOt beEn fasTinG becaUse of tiZ stuPiD fevEr.. 3)oMg thE hazE iS Like stiLL herE...N thE funNy thinG iS Rox caN stiLL saY "it feElS LikE wE arE iN neW zeaLanD!!!" hAha..fuNny.. 4)mY mouSe comP iS spoiLt..sTupiD heLL..hoW am i supPoseD tO contiNuE bLogGing?? 5)mA muM juSt keEps oN naggIng nOn stoP..doNt knOw La watS wrOng wiT hEr nowaDsyS.. 6)yesT wE atE pizZa..haHz..ouR deaR mR taY bLanjA aLL oF us duriNG thE nitE studY..luCky uS...eaT untiLL wE aRe sO damn fuLL.. n LasTLy..u nOe waT..i asKed yuvarAj a stupId qN yesT..weLL thE qN iS..wHy dO guYs easiLy geT hornY..i wasNt supPosed tO reaLLy meaN waT i asKed..i meaN itS juS asK foR fuN oNLy..thEn thE resT oF thE boYs hearD aT iT n starEd aT me..soO..i waLkeD awaY gigGLing tO masELf..thEn i caN heaRd thEm shoUtinG...
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waT can i saY... yesT waS sO xtrEmeLy daMn heLL onE of a day foR mE maN.. weNt foR aRt aT 930 tiLL 4..daT waS LiKe 6hrS seHz..daT waS onE thinG..thE otheR waS daT im haviNg a sO daMn painFuL stomachacHe whicH i neveR haD befoRE..itS likE thE paIn iS pokinG in mA stomAch.. maYbe itS a gasTric i guesS..haHz.. deN haV tO foLLow yusnani tO Je tO buy somE thingS..actuALLy i donT waNt tO go cauSe oF thE paiNfuLness buT heY..i aLreadY promisEd hEr..anD thE funnY thinG iS weN i waLk i LoOk lIke a preGnanT LadY whO haS juS givEn biRtH..wahAkz.. aftEr daT weN tO mA granDmaS plACe to brEAKfasT therE..i waS supPoseD tO heLp buT didNt cauSe oF thE paiN in ma stomacH..we breaKfasT LotS oF foOd seHz..goT frieD chiCken..mEe honGkonG..aNd ETC.. deN weN weRe we waTchinG tv aftEr breaKing fasT n praY togetheR..tiS aunTy oF minE sudDenLy saId mA bodY waS mucH biggEr deN heR..oF courSeLa!!sHe sO smaLL n shortEr thAn mE..waT onLy..daT hurTS mA feELing abiT u noE..hmM..nVMla..iM goNna provE tO thEm daT iM g...