hEheZ..i diD meNTioN daT Im nOt gonNa BLog foR tHe tiMe beinG...buT weLL..stiLL canNot resisT thE temtAtioN lEr...anD iM stresSed somEmorE..haiX...
noW iM aT thE cybeRcaFe...inFronT oF thE comP besiDe mE iS roXiLiciOus...thE mousE aT hoMe..weLL..donT knoW LAr..somEtimEs spoiLt..deN soMEtimEs juSt weNt gugugaGa..u noE waT i meaN riTe...hAhZ...
u noE waT..iM LikE veRy saD seHz yesT..i waS onLinE deN ma siS camE siT besiDe me..she saY shE wanTs tO alsO usE thE msN n saY shE wiLL heLp mE chanGe mA bLog skiN..i saId hoLd oN La..cause i waS msNinG wiT honG zhoU bouT todaY LesSon pLan..deN afteR aLL dat..i gaV iT tO hEr tO usE..weNt to mA roOm foR awhiLe n weNt ouT agaIn to thE comP as shE waS oNline..deN i asKed hEr tO help chanGe ma bLog skIn La n guess waT????shE staRted tO scOld mE siA..i meaN shout aT thosE worDs..i waS quiTe saD n huRt aftEr she scoLded me untiLL Like daT..i mean i waS asking foR heLp onLy dEn she lIke scOld aT mE..waT shE scOld..i doNt wanNa to gO inTo detaiLs into daT lEr k..i mean whY musT she be Like daT..iM soo saD n disSapoinTed..haiX.... :(
todaY went tO scH foR chEm n enGLish onLy..caBot hiStoRy..haHz...noTiN muCh hapPened ler..buT i guesS somEonE is abiT angrY at me...i doNt knOw lA waT tO do..iM sO Like coNfusEd anD quiTe guiltY..i meaN i usEd tO taLk tO heR n stuFF LikE dat bUt ijuST donno waT anD hoW tO gO aboUt..iM reaLLy soRry gaL..i stiLL wanNa bE frenS with yoU...aLL thoSe stufF daT we sharEd..i miss aLl thosE fuN we haD..buT...haiX..i jusT hoPe u undeRstaNd mA situatioM..thE waY she starED aT me juS nOw in The oddyseY makes me feEL guILty seHx..shE saId im acTioN somemore..i meaN oK..i noE itS ma FaUlt..iM so soRiE...
KLa...i gueSs daTs aLL waT i ve got tO saY fOr tOday..taKe caRe peeps..
siGninG ofF..
hEheZ..i diD meNTioN daT Im nOt gonNa BLog foR tHe tiMe beinG...buT weLL..stiLL canNot resisT thE temtAtioN lEr...anD iM stresSed somEmorE..haiX...
noW iM aT thE cybeRcaFe...inFronT oF thE comP besiDe mE iS roXiLiciOus...thE mousE aT hoMe..weLL..donT knoW LAr..somEtimEs spoiLt..deN soMEtimEs juSt weNt gugugaGa..u noE waT i meaN riTe...hAhZ...
u noE waT..iM LikE veRy saD seHz yesT..i waS onLinE deN ma siS camE siT besiDe me..she saY shE wanTs tO alsO usE thE msN n saY shE wiLL heLp mE chanGe mA bLog skiN..i saId hoLd oN La..cause i waS msNinG wiT honG zhoU bouT todaY LesSon pLan..deN afteR aLL dat..i gaV iT tO hEr tO usE..weNt to mA roOm foR awhiLe n weNt ouT agaIn to thE comP as shE waS oNline..deN i asKed hEr tO help chanGe ma bLog skIn La n guess waT????shE staRted tO scOld mE siA..i meaN shout aT thosE worDs..i waS quiTe saD n huRt aftEr she scoLded me untiLL Like daT..i mean i waS asking foR heLp onLy dEn she lIke scOld aT mE..waT shE scOld..i doNt wanNa to gO inTo detaiLs into daT lEr k..i mean whY musT she be Like daT..iM soo saD n disSapoinTed..haiX.... :(
todaY went tO scH foR chEm n enGLish onLy..caBot hiStoRy..haHz...noTiN muCh hapPened ler..buT i guesS somEonE is abiT angrY at me...i doNt knOw lA waT tO do..iM sO Like coNfusEd anD quiTe guiltY..i meaN i usEd tO taLk tO heR n stuFF LikE dat bUt ijuST donno waT anD hoW tO gO aboUt..iM reaLLy soRry gaL..i stiLL wanNa bE frenS with yoU...aLL thoSe stufF daT we sharEd..i miss aLl thosE fuN we haD..buT...haiX..i jusT hoPe u undeRstaNd mA situatioM..thE waY she starED aT me juS nOw in The oddyseY makes me feEL guILty seHx..shE saId im acTioN somemore..i meaN oK..i noE itS ma FaUlt..iM so soRiE...
KLa...i gueSs daTs aLL waT i ve got tO saY fOr tOday..taKe caRe peeps..
siGninG ofF..