sO sorRy..............
iM sO soRry peEps...itS beEn a Long tIMe siNce i LasT updaTe mA bLog yaR..
wEll tO manY thingS haD hapPen...
1)i waS soOoo sick..fLu n feveR tHe pasT feW daYs..tiLL noW..buT nOt sO woRse..
2)ivE nOt beEn fasTinG becaUse of tiZ stuPiD fevEr..
3)oMg thE hazE iS Like stiLL herE...N thE funNy thinG iS Rox caN stiLL saY "it feElS LikE wE arE iN neW zeaLanD!!!" hAha..fuNny..
4)mY mouSe comP iS spoiLt..sTupiD heLL..hoW am i supPoseD tO contiNuE bLogGing??
5)mA muM juSt keEps oN naggIng nOn stoP..doNt knOw La watS wrOng wiT hEr nowaDsyS..
6)yesT wE atE pizZa..haHz..ouR deaR mR taY bLanjA aLL oF us duriNG thE nitE studY..luCky uS...eaT untiLL wE aRe sO damn fuLL..
n LasTLy..u nOe waT..i asKed yuvarAj a stupId qN yesT..weLL thE qN iS..wHy dO guYs easiLy geT hornY..i wasNt supPosed tO reaLLy meaN waT i asKed..i meaN itS juS asK foR fuN oNLy..thEn thE resT oF thE boYs hearD aT iT n starEd aT me..soO..i waLkeD awaY gigGLing tO masELf..thEn i caN heaRd thEm shoUtinG aT mE frM behiNd..i meaN i shuDnt haV haD asKed daT dUMB qn riTe..AYo...
aNd FinaLLy...ivE FiniShEd mA aRt....sO reLievEd buT u nOe thaT mR mohD sudDenLy saId caN pasS uP on monDaY..alL oF us were LikE waT thE....F**K..we werE rushiNg juST noW Like maD peoPle n weN thE apEk came uP tO teLL uS daT the scH iS cLosinG..daT mR moHd easIly saID comE bacK on moN tO finiSh n toUch uP everYthinG..thaT tiMe hE saId toDaY waS thE datELinE n noW he Lied...sTupid riTe...hE purPosELy waNts uS tO ruSh aN in thE enD iT wiLL aFfect ouR markS.. weLL..whAteva iT is ivE finiShED aND yeaH!!!
alritEs peEps..time iS runNinG shoRt...goT nO enoUgh timE tO bLog alReadY...afTer Os deN i wiLL contiNuE aLL tiZ K..n soMemoRe mA moUse is spOilT..sO waT tO dO..muSt waiT Lor...
taKe carE peEpS..
siGninG ofF..
iM sO soRry peEps...itS beEn a Long tIMe siNce i LasT updaTe mA bLog yaR..
wEll tO manY thingS haD hapPen...
1)i waS soOoo sick..fLu n feveR tHe pasT feW daYs..tiLL noW..buT nOt sO woRse..
2)ivE nOt beEn fasTinG becaUse of tiZ stuPiD fevEr..
3)oMg thE hazE iS Like stiLL herE...N thE funNy thinG iS Rox caN stiLL saY "it feElS LikE wE arE iN neW zeaLanD!!!" hAha..fuNny..
4)mY mouSe comP iS spoiLt..sTupiD heLL..hoW am i supPoseD tO contiNuE bLogGing??
5)mA muM juSt keEps oN naggIng nOn stoP..doNt knOw La watS wrOng wiT hEr nowaDsyS..
6)yesT wE atE pizZa..haHz..ouR deaR mR taY bLanjA aLL oF us duriNG thE nitE studY..luCky uS...eaT untiLL wE aRe sO damn fuLL..
n LasTLy..u nOe waT..i asKed yuvarAj a stupId qN yesT..weLL thE qN iS..wHy dO guYs easiLy geT hornY..i wasNt supPosed tO reaLLy meaN waT i asKed..i meaN itS juS asK foR fuN oNLy..thEn thE resT oF thE boYs hearD aT iT n starEd aT me..soO..i waLkeD awaY gigGLing tO masELf..thEn i caN heaRd thEm shoUtinG aT mE frM behiNd..i meaN i shuDnt haV haD asKed daT dUMB qn riTe..AYo...
aNd FinaLLy...ivE FiniShEd mA aRt....sO reLievEd buT u nOe thaT mR mohD sudDenLy saId caN pasS uP on monDaY..alL oF us were LikE waT thE....F**K..we werE rushiNg juST noW Like maD peoPle n weN thE apEk came uP tO teLL uS daT the scH iS cLosinG..daT mR moHd easIly saID comE bacK on moN tO finiSh n toUch uP everYthinG..thaT tiMe hE saId toDaY waS thE datELinE n noW he Lied...sTupid riTe...hE purPosELy waNts uS tO ruSh aN in thE enD iT wiLL aFfect ouR markS.. weLL..whAteva iT is ivE finiShED aND yeaH!!!
alritEs peEps..time iS runNinG shoRt...goT nO enoUgh timE tO bLog alReadY...afTer Os deN i wiLL contiNuE aLL tiZ K..n soMemoRe mA moUse is spOilT..sO waT tO dO..muSt waiT Lor...
taKe carE peEpS..
siGninG ofF..