
If it's HARd to taLk tO u
Then what am I supposed to do
When all I want to do is speak my mind
If it's wrong to do what's right
I'm prepared to testify
If TaLKING To u with all my heart's a crime
Then I'm guilty....

Im SoOOO SORriE gAl..itS mA fauLt..i noE iT iS..buT i jusT donO waT tO dO..jusT noW she onLine n thE nicK i thinK itS refErinG tO me..im sO sorRy..i noE u gonNa haTE me ritE..weLL..i noe iM a baD perSon..i ditcH pPl..buT seriouSLy I donT mean daT tO u..haiX...i stiLL wanNa b uR dearEst frEn.. :(


~conFuseD Me~


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