
u noE waT...iM Like supPose tO bE studyinG noW..tmR goT physiCs tesT siA n i diD nOt eveeN study anitiNg...omG..wat haV i becomE??hoW am i supposeD tO pasS mA O LvL Like tiZ man??hmM..

weLL..wateva it stiLL goinG scH tmR..practicAL comIn somEmorE..hahZ..

hey i foRgoT to mentiOn daT i wenT to mA pri scH yesteRdaY..actuaLLy i haV tO seNd mA siS tO somE stupiD coursE therE..nk masOk pri onE La dkaTekan..heHz..

aS i enteR xinGnaN prI scH aLL thosE memoriEs sudDenLy zoOmeD in tO ma minD..hehZ..thE unforgetABLe onEs,thE funNy onEs anD sO manY otheRs..hehEz..qiLa,mY 4tH siS brinG mE touR around the scH..the scH is LikE sO biG nOw and therEs sO manY changEs..i coULd geT LosT in daT scH maN..hahZ..thEn mA sis brinG mE tO thE schOOl haLL anD theRe engravEd mA naMe oN a piecE oF wooD hanGed on The waLL..i waS sO shockEd anD amazeD weN i seE ma fuLL namE therE..actuaLLy thoSe woods arE foR thE em1,em2 n em3 toP scoreR foR PSLE n thErE waS writTen ma naMe fOr tHE tOp studeNt 2001..waS em3 daT TimE..hahAz...weLL daT waS so manY yearS agO..donT noE iF can scorE agaIn foR tiZ yR o LVL..hahZ..

kLa..iM getTinG sLeEpy peEpS..

takinG carE..



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