
hmM..nO onEs at hoME noW...sO im free tO do waT i waNt...yeAh!!!

weLL...i hoPe thingS wenT ouT weLL for me n heR...i stiLL wanNa be freNz wiT heR..haHz...

okiEz..wheRE shaLL we staRt...yA..mA muM hidE the modEm witH thE PLuck yesT..iM likE waT the heLL maN!!stupiD...LucKy ma mouSe is quitE ok foR thE time beinG...theN ma muM Let mE haV thE modeM n yeaH..datS whY i get to Blog...

twO morE weeks tO O LvL n omG i stiLL havent studied nytinG..i mean goT La..buT noT daT reaLLy as in focusinG...haiX...haLf oF ma braiN saId dat i shuD gO poLy n earN maseLf a LivinG..sincE im the eLdesT i shuD u noE bE aN examPLE tO ma sibLinGs...i waNt tO gO poLy seriouSLy...LikE mA fren saiD u arE aLreaDY iN seC 5 sO mighT as weRk harD tO gO poLy n noT turN bacK tO go itE...buT the probLeM iS...mA resuLts aRe sO daMn shiTt y maN..3 strAighT F9..iN mA entiRe LifE in seC scH i nevA score F9 b4..i meaN..iM sO Like hoW tO gO poLy witH tiZ typE oF resuLts seHx??hmM..weLL i jusT hoPe daT i wont disappoint m parenTs..aLL tHe besT tO me..hehZ..

tinK daTs aLL for noW..taTaz..

~FiQx foReva~


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