
Showing posts from December, 2006
soOn..wE wiLL saY goOdbye tO 2o06..aLL thOse mEmoRieS i haD..hapPy oNeS aNd cheErfUl oNes wiLL reMainEd iN the diAry oF mA LiFe..BUT thOse hOrriBle,saD oNEs wiLL soOn bE erAsED In mA 18 yRs oF Living..i juSt waNt To fOrgEt waTeVA daT haPpeNed in 2006 and opEn a nEw chaPter OF ma Life iN 2007..i hoPe thinGS wiLL gO oN weLL juSt foR mE.. haPPy nEw yeAr i gueSs!!weLcOmE 2007 wiTh a whoLe nEw beginNinG... CheErs! ******************************************************* i guEss thAt hapPineSs caN oNly cOmE juSt a whiLe fOr mE..sHouLd aLL thiNgS muSt cOme tO an eNd??? i diD mEntiOn thAt i waS feELinG quiTe haPpy in mA pRevioUs eNtrY bUT i gueSs Im nOt feELinG haPpy aNymOrE..iN faCt i feLt teRriBLe..saD..disSapoiNTed,saD,miSerAbLe,dEJecTeD..ETC....HaiZ.. i dOnt knO weThEr I ShUD mEntiOn wHy I feLt tHis waY oR nOt..eVen If I teLL..WiLL aNyOnE bOthEr To caRe hOW I feLt??i thInK ItS BetTer DaT I jUSt keEp iT To MySeLf..LeT ME jUST sUfFer In siLeNcEi gueSs Ma LifE dOesNt tUrN oUt tHE waY i waNt I...
actuaLly i donT noE why i upLoaD tiZ pic tO mA bLog entrY..maYbE i guesS i misS heR..rosE..mA bestiE.. tis piC waS taken a LonG time ago actuaLLy..aT u nOe thE mrT statiOn wheRe u neEd tO traNsfeR traiN tO geT to vivO citY..yuP therE iS tiZ biG thInG dat reFLecT ouRseLF La..haHz..miSs daT daY..we weRe LikE maD pPL therE..haHaZ..sayinG hi tO straNgerS waLkinG pasS uS.. aNd sudDenLy i misS scH!!!!!!!!I misS cLaz!!!i misS thE scH haLL!!aNd i misS thE paradE squaRe wheRe everY mornIng we wOuLd saT dowN and do siLenT readinG..buT fOr mE aNd mA peEpS we wiLl disturB eacH otheR bY throwiNg drieD leaVeS aT eacH othEr..haHaz!!sO chiLdiSh!!..miS aLl thoSe momEntS.. aNw..itS beEn a monTh i'vE beEn werKinG aT watsoN..thEn ma maNaGer ordeREd pizZa aS chrisTmaS iS comiN..aNs shE gaVe ferRero rocHer cHocoLatE To everY staFf..anD thEn i saW a bunCh oF poLicEmeN in ma werkinG pLacE.damn..thEy aR soO cutE in thosE unifOrM..haHz!mengGatal pLak kitE yeR..heHe..buT seriousLy i prefeR havinG somEonE ...
two moRe daYs aNd it'LL bE mA firSt monTh werKinG aT waTson.. how timE reaLLy fLieS..hmM.. anD guesS waT?? thE moE haD aLreadY pUt $279 inTo mA baNk acCounT..yaY!!weLL actuaLLy daT monEy is foR mE tO contInuE oN wiT mA studieS aS iM haVinG finaNciaL prObLeMs u seE..duE tO thE LargE famiLy i i guesS abiT oF heLp wiLL bE graTefuL aNd i aPpreciaTE aLL thosE heLp daT i receiveD.. anw..i'LL bE ofF tiZ cuminG sUn..DAMN!!!i'LL bE boreD agaiN stayinG aT homE..haiZ..watS alreadY beinG pLanNed waS canceLLEd..reaLLy LookinG foRwaRd tO iT buT i gueSs noT..abiT disapPointeD buT heY..LetS LoOk on thE brighT siDe oF LifE kk..geT tO watcH tV at home and yA..NOt foRgetTinG thE tonnes of chores i neEd tO do sucH aS..cLeaninG,waShinG,drYinG..waT eLsE diD i miSs??yA dusTINg..etC..EtC..haiZ..tis iS wat hapPen weN u'rE a gal anD eLdesT in The famiLy.. sumTimeS i wish i werE a guY..haiZ..guesS not riTe.i aM whO i aM ritE noW..haHz.. therE wiLL be a cLasS gathErinG tiS saT..toO baD i...
so far werkiNg wit ma manager waS quitE oK jus now.. she did not scoLd me oR anytiNg..hahaZ.. den i foRgot to mentiOn dat i neEd tO weaR tiS stupiD aproN..not foR coOking oF coz buT fOr sOme stupiD promoTion.. haV hearD boUt thE LatesT shampOO daT waS beinG adveRtiseD in tV??yuP..itS caLLed CleaR shampoo.hAhaZ.. foR thosE who diD nOt knoW..gO and waTcH tV LAR..sOme stupiD aNd Lame advertiSemEnt thEy aireD..haHaz.. anD one morE thinG..ivE tO weaR a chriStmAs haT yAY!!haHa.. u thinK i Like it????NOPE!!!! itS verY hoT aNd stuFFy plUs thE aPrOn..soMe moRe the aiR coNditiOn therE iS SpoiLt..haiYa!!! tmR i wiLL bE iN tHE afterNoOn shiFt..and iTs StiLL rainIng untiLL noW..hmM.. kLA.. daTs aLL foR the dAY!!! buByeZ!! ~FiQX~
akU taK mengErti aPa yaNg kU rasA..riNdU yaNg taK peRnaH beGitU heBaTnyA.. aKu meNciNtaimU..LebiH daRi yaNg KAu taHu..mEsTi kAu taKKaN pErnaH taU.. haHaz..sOmE LyriCs i jusT wrOte..bORinG LAR... mY mUM,daD FatiN aNd maTin aRe aLL Out maKinG paSspoRT..sUdDEnLy i jusT reMembeREd..wHeRE thE heLL dId i puT mA pasSpoRt..?? daMN iT i hAv tO fInd daT tHinG..waT iF sudDenLy mA mUm saiD.."K..tMr wE wILL aLL bE goIN tO mSiA fOr hOLidaY." i'L bE deaD..hMm aNw..i wILL bE weRKinG..sO dOnt tINk caN gO riTe..haHAz.. acTuaLLy i gOt HouSeweRK cHoreS tO DO buT i cHoOSe tO juSt BLog fiRSt..haHAz..iM in thE midDLe oF sweEPinG thE fLOOr nOW..aFTER daT dO thE LauNDrY aNd fOLd thE cLEAN onEs iN mA roOM..tonNES oF thEM aND iTS mountiNG uP riGht uP tO tHE ceiLInG..haHZ..tiZ iS WaT u DO weN u R nOT weRKing..sO maNy chOREs neEd tO dO.. sudDENLY haV thiS feELinG..evEN thoUGH itS LIkE beEn 1 yrS+..i thiNk iM noT misSINg hIM..i juST waNt hiM eraSed iM mA mEmoRies..iM gLAD i geT tO knOw soMEONe knEw ...
ivE beEn feELing quitE hapPy LateLy..donO whY.. eveN thougH daT baStarD is goiNg tO jaiL...didNt feEl saD aT aLL.. aLa..doNOlA..somE stupiD feELinGs i havE.. daMn i aM sO broKe ritE monEY!!!as iN totaLLy broKe..wisH daT monEy cuD juSt easiLy faLL froM thE skY..buT guesS noT.. totaLLy glAd mA colLeaguS aT waTsOn aLwaYs heLpEd mE bY LendiNg mE monEy tO buY foOd..sO toucHed bY theM.. yaY..iM ofF tmR......wOhooOOOOOOoooo!!!! aND noW iM ouT oF wOrdS..haHaz.. aLaLa...kLa.. bUbyEz peEps!! ~FiQX~
hapPy..sO hapPy....heHe.. geT tO knoW a neW frEn.. thE namE iS iS weLL....nOT goiN tO mentiOn whO.. geT tO knoW hIm froM freNstEr.. jusT finD hiM soO cutE... heHe.. hoPe he'S thE reaL onE foR mE..oOps.. perAsaN bToL.. weLL.. doNt waNt To hoPe toO mucH LaR.. jusT goiN wiT thE FLow.. btW..iM sO daMn broKe rite noW..i LovE mA coLLeaguEs at waTson..theY aR niCe pPL u evA meEt..esPeciaLLy tiNtiN mA suPervisOr.. daMn i haTe mA managEr..eveRY LitTLe thinG i dId,waNt tO scOLd.. HATE HER SOOO MUCH!!!! aM nOt gonNa taLk aNy siNGLe woRd tO hEr..excepT maYbE thosE imPortaNt stuFf onE La..sTILL!!i wonT taLk aNy uniMPortaNt stufF tO heR..caNt waiT To geT mA saLarY aND geT ouT froM thEre.. kLA.. moRninG shifT tMR.. taTaz peEpZ..! ~FiqX~
i guesS i caN onLy bLog onE daY peR weEk..caUse oF mA bZ daYs weRkinG.. sO faR itS mA 2nD weEk weRKinG..aNd ovEraLL iTs oK lAh..mA suPervisOr iS Ok n the maNagEr sHe stArT taLkinG tOO me..LiyaNa thE nEw staFF theRe iS aLsO bEinG veRy kInd wiTh mE..shE gaVe mE mONeY yesT fOr mE tO bUy foOd..i waS Like sO toucHed caUse iM seriOusLy bRokE riTe nOw..sHes a gD frEn tHOugH sHe LikEs tO scOLd baD wOrDs eveRytimE..kwaNg3 aNw i waS LikE sO shocKed weN pPl staRt tO tagGed mE afTer waT i saiD im ma previOuS entrY..n wHo thE heLL iS tHis "GirL"??? iVe gOt tHe rIte tO saY waTeva i waN tO saY oK..waTevA iT iS..thAnkS.. acTuaLLy i doNt knOw waT eLse tO sAy..iM LikE ouT oF wOrDs noW..haHaz.. yA n mA siS..sHe iS sO daMn LucKy..LucKy aS in veRy LucKy..guYs treaTinG hEr heRe aNd thERe..gO jLn..nOt tO saY iM jeaLouS..gueSS sHe iS stiLL LucKy thOugH..stiLL haPpy foR heR..gD LucK siS..iN waTevA u dO..cHooSe tHe riGhT dEcisIon kieZ.. :) hEy whY aM i suDDenLy taLkinG bOuT hEr..hAhAz.. kLa.. i WaN ...