soOn..wE wiLL saY goOdbye tO 2o06..aLL thOse mEmoRieS i haD..hapPy oNeS aNd cheErfUl oNes wiLL reMainEd iN the diAry oF mA LiFe..BUT thOse hOrriBle,saD oNEs wiLL soOn bE erAsED In mA 18 yRs oF Living..i juSt waNt To fOrgEt waTeVA daT haPpeNed in 2006 and opEn a nEw chaPter OF ma Life iN 2007..i hoPe thinGS wiLL gO oN weLL juSt foR mE..

haPPy nEw yeAr i gueSs!!weLcOmE 2007 wiTh a whoLe nEw beginNinG... CheErs!


i guEss thAt hapPineSs caN oNly cOmE juSt a whiLe fOr mE..sHouLd aLL thiNgS muSt cOme tO an eNd???

i diD mEntiOn thAt i waS feELinG quiTe haPpy in mA pRevioUs eNtrY bUT i gueSs Im nOt feELinG haPpy aNymOrE..iN faCt i feLt teRriBLe..saD..disSapoiNTed,saD,miSerAbLe,dEJecTeD..ETC....HaiZ..

i dOnt knO weThEr I ShUD mEntiOn wHy I feLt tHis waY oR nOt..eVen If I teLL..WiLL aNyOnE bOthEr To caRe hOW I feLt??i thInK ItS BetTer DaT I jUSt keEp iT To MySeLf..LeT ME jUST sUfFer In siLeNcEi gueSs Ma LifE dOesNt tUrN oUt tHE waY i waNt It To BE..i mIGhT aS weLL dOnT hOpe fOr aNything!!!!!!

DaMn..!!i HaTe mY F***iNg LiFe!!

LivInG LiFe iS easY..
bUt trEasUring iT Is..



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