so far werkiNg wit ma manager waS quitE oK jus now..

she did not scoLd me oR anytiNg..hahaZ..
den i foRgot to mentiOn dat i neEd tO weaR tiS stupiD aproN..not foR coOking oF coz buT fOr sOme stupiD promoTion..
haV hearD boUt thE LatesT shampOO daT waS beinG adveRtiseD in tV??yuP..itS caLLed CleaR shampoo.hAhaZ..
foR thosE who diD nOt knoW..gO and waTcH tV LAR..sOme stupiD aNd Lame advertiSemEnt thEy aireD..haHaz..

anD one morE thinG..ivE tO weaR a chriStmAs haT yAY!!haHa..
u thinK i Like it????NOPE!!!!

itS verY hoT aNd stuFFy plUs thE aPrOn..soMe moRe the aiR coNditiOn therE iS SpoiLt..haiYa!!!

tmR i wiLL bE iN tHE afterNoOn shiFt..and iTs StiLL rainIng untiLL noW..hmM..


daTs aLL foR the dAY!!!




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