ivE beEn feELing quitE hapPy LateLy..donO whY..
eveN thougH daT baStarD is goiNg tO jaiL...didNt feEl saD aT aLL..
aLa..doNOlA..somE stupiD feELinGs i havE..
daMn i aM sO broKe ritE noW...no monEY!!!as iN totaLLy broKe..wisH daT monEy cuD juSt easiLy faLL froM thE skY..buT guesS noT..
totaLLy glAd mA colLeaguS aT waTsOn aLwaYs heLpEd mE bY LendiNg mE monEy tO buY foOd..sO toucHed bY theM..
yaY..iM ofF tmR......wOhooOOOOOOoooo!!!!
aND noW iM ouT oF wOrdS..haHaz..
bUbyEz peEps!!
eveN thougH daT baStarD is goiNg tO jaiL...didNt feEl saD aT aLL..
aLa..doNOlA..somE stupiD feELinGs i havE..
daMn i aM sO broKe ritE noW...no monEY!!!as iN totaLLy broKe..wisH daT monEy cuD juSt easiLy faLL froM thE skY..buT guesS noT..
totaLLy glAd mA colLeaguS aT waTsOn aLwaYs heLpEd mE bY LendiNg mE monEy tO buY foOd..sO toucHed bY theM..
yaY..iM ofF tmR......wOhooOOOOOOoooo!!!!
aND noW iM ouT oF wOrdS..haHaz..
bUbyEz peEps!!