had a damn great day yest.
met boifie.

go beach road.look at his army stuffs.
wanted to meet up rin after dat...
but haiz..
sumting happened..

asked her to come bugis instead..
but she cant.
im sorry beb.
i'LL make it up aites...

so head to bugis..
and ya..fyi we walked all the way frm beach road to bugis.
and yay. think i lost some kilos.

so we just sat at the new shooping centre..
ilomo..ah..dont noe wats its called also..

for the first time me and the bf act gile2 along the shops there..
mcm budak bodo sak kite dua ekor ni..

boifie decided to watch the fireworks along at the merlion @ esplanade ard there..
and ya we walked again frm bugis to one fullerton.
my gosh..its a very spectacular view.
and somemore its my first time watching the preview of the ndp fireworks..haaaa..

boifie kept talking..plus his gile2 and his experience doing his duty @ marina bay NDP
and ya he'll be involved in the actual day itself..

and lastly the fireworks..
very beautiful.

enjoyed myself..

do u noe dat behind is my car?serious.

boifie shot tis one.

in any emergency those without handphone can use tis public phone.

huney,im calling my scandal..oopsss..

suprisingly both of us wear black..wat a coincidence!

below ar the pics and videos of the fireworks..enjoy..

oh my god..oh my god..oh my god..

again oh my god..!!

i like!!!!


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