hello world..
wow.its a while since i last update this bloggie of mine..
been veryveryvery busy with sch and stuff..
and wen there's free time,i still chose not to update cause of the laziness attiude that i had in me..
so how's sch?
my class..
tak ke panjang tu...
made some new frens..
mostly guys in the clique..
okla..very frenly..

if im not mistaken,2nd day of orientation.

reza,abg man,zuri,yoz and me!
inside the train otw home..
and i tell u nursing is really a very challenging course..
damn lots of terms and things dat need to be memorized..
subjects mostly consist of bio science and nursing studies..
and ya..
iwas so stressed i fall sick..
2 days of mc..
its just the second week..
and i really feel like giving up...
just cudnt take all of it anymore..
i cried for like two days two nights..
thinking wether i shud keep holding on or just let it go..
my mum,my sisters,my boifie,and some of my closest fren..
advice me not to quit..
tapi ntahla..
aku tak tau!!!!!!!!!!!
ya allah..
tlgla kuatkan semangat ku mengharungi segala cabaran dan dugaan ini..