watsup homies....
i noe..i noe..
its been a while since i last update..
yang sebnarnye..aku ni mlz nak blog..
cause everytime im in a mood to blog anak2 kat umah ni menyibok je pakai comp..mane tak aku bingit..
so..how was my week so far?
same usual stuff..
and my werking hours are like 5to 10 all the way..
boring sak..

to rose...
hahahahahahaha..sorila aku terkejotkan engko..
hahahhaa..tapi mcm kekek tuu..

will be applying nursing course at the ite site later.
hopefully i get in k..


im officially yours darling.
muhammad asri othman

and to dat fren of mine..
plz dont get mad at me, choosing asri over u..
whatever it is.
u are still a special fren to me..
dat is if u still want to be one...
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