OMG ITS BEEN SO Long since i last wrote sumting here..

seriously i missed blogging lots lots man..

its not dat i dont want to update its simply because the internet connection at home has gone cuckooo...dats why it took me a very long time to update..

btw im here at boon lay shopping centre..accompanied my mum and dad to south west CDC to apply for the..erm i myself am not so sure,,hahahaha..

well wateva it is im here updating my beloved blog...

so wats been goin on these past 356772 days??

hahaha..lots and lots of stuff..

working as usual..

its the promotion week and ya..been buzy..

stock came like in cartons..lots of them..

and ya getting closer to the colleagues of course..even shared some of my personal prob to them..some only la..especially if it came to the issues of guys..

and speaking of guys..seriously i cant believe dat guy whom i shall not mention his name here turned his back towards me man..i mean cmon la we get to knoe each other for a few weeks and we sort of had feelings for each other..he asked me to be his girlfren but i told him im not quite ready and i really want to know him better..he also mentioned that we shud take it slowly..so some of my frens adviced me not to contact him and see wether he really is sincere or not towards me..and then..i waited for a week he still did not contact me..so i finally gave up and msg him instead..i asked why the sudden silence..

and guess wat????

he told me he had a new gal sia!!!!!!!im like so shocked man..u said u had feelings for me and in the end u turned ur back towards me..wat kind of F***** S**** is dat sia..and his reason was bacause i kept quiet and did not msg him..wat kind of excuse is dat man..

now i realise dat guy is a damn F****** jerk..he's just playing around wit my emotions...

ok wateva im not goint to even think bout him anymore..


so ya..as some of u knew..i appeared on tv..


live show at FYI..at mediacorp..

wat a total experience cause ive never been to a studio watching LIVE recording..

how cool is dat..

so below are some random pics i took with suria artiste,,

the studio lighting..

us and huda ali plus fadhilah

suhaimi and abg shawal ..omg he's so cuteeeeeeeeeeee


us again wit huda and hafiz and fadilah

shahfudin mahfudz and us..im not sure if i get the spelling rite...hehehe..

so ya..dats just bout it la..anw i just wanna wish all the muslims out there slamat berpuase..
and i will update again if the connection at home is ok..

taking care my dearest!!


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