frm motorola to siemens..
frm siemens to nokia 3315..
frm nokia 3315 to nokia 6610..
frm nokia 6610 to nokia 5300..
frm nokia 5300 to samsung z240.

and now its SONY ERICSON w910i... wat a long history i had using different hp models..

and im loving it!!heeeeeeeeee...

upgrade the line for another two years for 168bucks..
so ya.dats it.
and im getting lazy to update tiz blog anw.
buzy and tired. that someone..
ure just wasting ure time calling me just to say
"hello"then, "goodbye"..
wat the hell??
ingat funfair?might as well dont call in the first place right wen u dont want to like really talk..
and i think im wasting my time by picking ur call..


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