wow..its been a long long long long time since ive last type my fingers on blogger..hahahaha...

finally after much anticipation for like ten thousand years..hahah..the connection is now ok!no more stongeng..hahaha..

was like calling the singnet broadband helpline,receiving instructions from the customer service officer on how to u noe..clear up the mess in my comp..hmm..

sooooooo....where shud i begin...


three weeks...

so many stuff had had happened yar..

firstly,i quit werking at mango..hahahah...the reason was simply because it was so damn freaking fucking tiring werking in that type of specialty store..hahah..wat i learn in retail operation dat is..
the irritating part was when i already fold the clothes nicely,there come the lovely customer..walking in..trying all the clothes and then they crumpled everything back..without buying..

then got this two chinese gals...they were like...damns..they took the type of clothes they want..not one,not two but over 20 pieces..they tried every single one of it infront of the big mirror in the store..and yes..they create a big mess with the whole pile of clothes on the floor and yup..they did not bought any single one of them...was kindda pissed actually..

not only dat..reached home around 12 plus dat nite and dad was like nagging at me..saying..young gals shud not reached home late..bla..bla..bla..u noe parents..

so ya..my 10 hours of werking there just gone like dat..but who cares..its not my type of job anyway..seriously i prefer working at watson..haiz..shudnt have quit there at the first place..

so yar..basically dat is one of teh thing dat happened lar..

another thing happened was..i broke up..not me..but HIM!!
he asked for it so yar since he really wants it i had to give it to him...was really devastated at that moment of time..was crying my heart out..seriously its been a long time since i last cried like dat..hahah..my eyes was like swollen..hmm..

i mean we can still go through this wat..but guess he dont want it..so yar..its over then...

one thing i learn from this is never ever trust guy anymore..they only know how to sweet talk u..give empty promises...and alot more lah...haiz...talking bout tiz makes me think back..those memories..okok..STOP IT!

6 more days to school reopening..suddenly feel lazy to start a brand new term in ITE..the projects..role play..oh my god...

and ya..went back to SQSS..haha..meet up with rizal,niap fong, saiful, yul ija and rin...oh my god..niap's hair was so damn freaking nice man!!even my ite mates said so in of the pics that we took dat day..eh serious dude..ur hair very the nice!!heezzz..

hmm..think dats all la..am i forgetting sumting??erm ya!!
i manage to get contact from one of my crushes dat i wrote bout in my previous entry..hahahahahaaha...it was unbelievable!haha.too bad he already had a gal..

hmm..so i guess dats just it la ek..
will write again soon..


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