ivE reaLise onE thinG...
isiT reaLLy woRth bLogGinG???..
i meAn doeS anYonE waN tO bothEr waTeva ivE wriTten iN mA LivE..oR waTeva daT haPpeneD..
juSt Look aT iT..
nO one bothEr waNt tO tagGed mE OR LinK mE..
aNw..iTs beEn onE weEk ivE beEn weRKing iN waTson..
itS Like veRy daMn tiRinG aNd bOrinG..
some moRe weN theRe iS nO cusTomeR..
weRkiNg..bUt nO weRk tO dO..haHaz..
tHeN theRe iS onE neW stafF daT joinEd uS..
thE naMes LiyaNa..
sHe okLa..keEps on taLkinG boUt hEr boYfrEn..Bla.BLa..
dO i eveN caRe??
noPe.. i donT..
weLL shE stiLL kinD enOuGh thoUgh..
aTLeasT iM noT aLonE weN breaK timE..
a freN tO taLk toO..
cuD stiLL reMembEr thE firST feW days..
i sLePt in thE neaResT kopitIAm duRinG brEaK tiMe,
hAhAZ!!mCm paisEH poN adE giTuk..
deN nOW goT hEr..LifE iS nOT daT boRinG aftERALL dURinG mA wERktIme..
hMm.tMr stiLL gOt weRk afTERNoOn sHifT..
aNd Im haVinG thIS coLd..kEep On sneEziNg..
hoPe i wILL geT beTTer soOn..
aNd oMg i haVe tO waIT fOr nExt yR jAn 7 fOr mA paY..
daMn iVe tO waIt fOr sO LOnG sIA..
KLa.. tiLL heRe.
neEd tO TaKe pAnadOLd coLD..
isiT reaLLy woRth bLogGinG???..
i meAn doeS anYonE waN tO bothEr waTeva ivE wriTten iN mA LivE..oR waTeva daT haPpeneD..
juSt Look aT iT..
nO one bothEr waNt tO tagGed mE OR LinK mE..
aNw..iTs beEn onE weEk ivE beEn weRKing iN waTson..
itS Like veRy daMn tiRinG aNd bOrinG..
some moRe weN theRe iS nO cusTomeR..
weRkiNg..bUt nO weRk tO dO..haHaz..
tHeN theRe iS onE neW stafF daT joinEd uS..
thE naMes LiyaNa..
sHe okLa..keEps on taLkinG boUt hEr boYfrEn..Bla.BLa..
dO i eveN caRe??
noPe.. i donT..
weLL shE stiLL kinD enOuGh thoUgh..
aTLeasT iM noT aLonE weN breaK timE..
a freN tO taLk toO..
cuD stiLL reMembEr thE firST feW days..
i sLePt in thE neaResT kopitIAm duRinG brEaK tiMe,
hAhAZ!!mCm paisEH poN adE giTuk..
deN nOW goT hEr..LifE iS nOT daT boRinG aftERALL dURinG mA wERktIme..
hMm.tMr stiLL gOt weRk afTERNoOn sHifT..
aNd Im haVinG thIS coLd..kEep On sneEziNg..
hoPe i wILL geT beTTer soOn..
aNd oMg i haVe tO waIT fOr nExt yR jAn 7 fOr mA paY..
daMn iVe tO waIt fOr sO LOnG sIA..
KLa.. tiLL heRe.
neEd tO TaKe pAnadOLd coLD..