ivE reaLise onE thinG... isiT reaLLy woRth bLogGinG???.. i meAn doeS anYonE waN tO bothEr waTeva ivE wriTten iN mA LivE..oR waTeva daT haPpeneD.. juSt Look aT iT.. nO one bothEr waNt tO tagGed mE OR LinK mE.. haiZ.. aNw..iTs beEn onE weEk ivE beEn weRKing iN waTson.. itS Like veRy daMn tiRinG aNd bOrinG.. some moRe weN theRe iS nO cusTomeR.. weRkiNg..bUt nO weRk tO dO..haHaz.. tHeN theRe iS onE neW stafF daT joinEd uS.. thE naMes LiyaNa.. sHe okLa..keEps on taLkinG boUt hEr boYfrEn..Bla.BLa.. dO i eveN caRe?? noPe.. i donT.. weLL shE stiLL kinD enOuGh thoUgh.. aTLeasT iM noT aLonE weN breaK timE.. a freN tO taLk toO.. cuD stiLL reMembEr thE firST feW days.. i sLePt in thE neaResT kopitIAm duRinG brEaK tiMe, hAhAZ!!mCm paisEH poN adE giTuk.. deN nOW goT hEr..LifE iS nOT daT boRinG aftERALL dURinG mA wERktIme.. hMm.tMr stiLL gOt weRk afTERNoOn sHifT.. aNd Im haVinG thIS coLd..kEep On sneEziNg.. hoPe i wILL geT beTTer soOn.. aNd oMg i haVe tO waIT fOr nExt yR jAn 7 fOr mA paY.. daMn iVe t...
Showing posts from November, 2006
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mY thirD daY aT woRk todaY.. overaLL waS fuN.. buT waS sO daMn tiRed maN..8 hrS oF weRkinG.. fuLL tiMe somEmoRe..waT tO dO..i waNt tO eaRn mOneY.. bUy aLL the thiNgs i waNt.. sO faR tHe pPl aT waTsOn here aRe vEry fRienDLy.. siTi iS 20,RoziE 23 aNd tiNtiN a myaNmmAr woRkeR.. veRy fUn weRkinG wiTh aLL tiZ pPl.. noT foRgeTinG a paRtimEr whoSe nAme is ninI.. sHe quiTe oK La..doEsnT taLk muCh.. saMe goEs tO cYnthiA..mA stOre mAnaGer.. gEt scOLdIng fRoM heR juS noW..hEhez.. caUse oF smaLL misTakE.. tHe casHier thinGy.. weLL pPl maKe misTakEs riTe.. basicaLLy mA joB iS jUS To bE a casHier,puT IN stocK.. wiPe aLL thE duSt..hoUse cLeaninG aLL thoSe La.. rearrAngE tHe stuFF theRe.. kLa..gTg nOw.. doNT wanNa misS mA favOuriTe shOw.. ChaRrMeD yaY!! oMg.. iM weRkinG morninG shiFt tmR.. haiZ.. kLa.. ]taKe caRe.. ~FiQX..
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haiZ..ma peEpss..yesT 211106 waS thE gradUatioN cerEmonY fOr uS..wHicH iS aLsO thE LasT daT aLL oF us wiLL meEt eacH othEr aS ClasMateS.. seRiouSLy aM gonNa misH thEm sOo mucH..esPeciaLLy mA deaResT foRm teaCheR mR noEL onG..hE has beEn thEre foR mE whEnevA i haD thIs prObLem..wHicH..ahEm..donT waNt tO mentiOn La..hE heLpeD mE setTlE aNd aLsO gaVe me aDviceS wHicH is irRepLacaBLe tO mE.. hE Is tHE kinDesT,caRinG aNg tHE moSt joKeR teaCheR i eVa haD..wE gaVe eacxH othEr biG huGs aNd aLsO thE resT of the cLasMateS..taKinG piCturEs togeTher as memoRiEs tOgetHer.. aNw..thesE aRe sOmE oF ma peEps daT i wOnT foRgeT... -Rose(mY bEstiEs) -PeishaN & Rubibi..(togetHEr wiTh mE aNd rOse,wE caLLed eaCh othEr The F.A.R2 gaLz)haHaz.. -RuhainAh oR shuD i caLLed hEr riN..aM sO gonNa misH u gaL..withOut u..i tinK i woULd bE deaD ritE noW..nicE beinG freNs wiT u.. -ShantiY&nAtaSha..thEsE peEps aRe tHE mosT craziest pPl u evA knOW.. -tHE resT oF mA ClasMatE,gaLs anD guYz oF cLaz seC 5A 2006.. A...
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heYaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! wasSuP ma peEpS!!wohoOOO.. misH bLogginG soO mucHie.. finaLLy mA biG O'S aRe oveR..yipEe..!! weLL..sO mucH thInGS hapPeneD..haiZ.. LetS taLk boUt haRi raya FirsT..weLL..didNt geT mucH coLLectioN comPared tO mA previoUs yeaR..weLL..mosT oF thE timE staY at hoMe "stuDy"..heHe..weLL..gLaD tO stiLL haV thE chancE tO gO ouT raYa wiT mA peEps..hEhE.. tHe saD thinG iS ma freN..erM oR sHud i saY mA sO caLLed boYfreN..eRm ntaHLa..iM LikE sOme sOrT oF misSinG hIm seHz..dunNo whY..weLL i thinK i haV feELinGs foR him..aS in reaL feELinGs??noT surE aR.... guesS itS nicE knowinG hiM foR 1 yr 8 monThs..hmM..deN hE toLd mE hE iS goIn iN..in theRe..nOt nS..buT theRE lA..u noE wAt i meaN..threE yrS..aNd i gueSS iM gonNa mis hiM..haiZ..doNoLaH waT tO saY..i usEd tO LauGH aNd juMpinG tO joY weN i foUnd ouT daT he'S goiN iN buT thEn afTer aWhilE i tInK iM gonNa mis hIm..itS noT wroNG ritE?? arGh..doNt waNt tO tinK bouT dat toO mucH la..waTs thE poinT..wiL...